Into the Deep

Commonly contains Concentrated Compost, but may also contain Alchemy Plant Seed Recipes, Cookie Musk, or other goodies.
Commonly contains Concentrated Compost and Cookie Musk, but may also contain Alchemy Plant Seed Recipes or Bobble Pod Plant Seeds.\n<font color='#F2E036'>Does not have Karma bar.</font> \n\n<font color='#49AD12'>Common - 86%</font>\n<font color='#49AD12'> Concentrated Compost x10\n Cookie Musk x1</font>\n<font color='#5EDDF3'>Uncommon - 13%</font>\n<font color='#5EDDF3'> Concentrated Compost x60\n Cookie Musk x2\n Recipe: Golden Soul Flower Seed x1\n Recipe: Cultivated Instagrower Seed x1\n Recipe: Cultivated Wallflower Seed x1\n Recipe: Primordial Flame Shrub Seed x1\n Recipe: Builderite Shrub Seed x1\n Recipe: Nitro-Glitterine Flower Seed x1\n</font><font color='#6E1DE7'>Rare - 1%</font>\n<font color='#6E1DE7'> Bobble Pod Plant Seed x5-100</font>

Requires Adventurine Strongbox Key to open
Requires Adventurine Strongbox Key to open. Once opened - gives one out of 4 allies, Adventure box' unique mounts or even Locked Adventure Box' unique costumes!\n<font color='#F2E036'>Does not have Karma bar.</font>\n\n<font color='#5EDDF3'>Uncommon - 99%</font>\n<font color='#5EDDF3'> Ally: Hyperqubes\n Ally: Eggnoggin\n Ally: Grumpy Snow Fiendling\n Ally:Wooly Boraryn/Prancing Zef/Charging Eurose/Shambling Nottoc (depending on the season) x1\n Any mount from Adventure Boxes x1\n</font><font color='#6E1DE7'>Rare - 0.9%</font>\n<font color='#6E1DE7'> Block Dragon Egg Fragment x1\n Untradeable costume from Locked Adventure Box' costume set x1\n</font><font color='#E09C08'>Very Rare - 0.01%</font>\n<font color='#E09C08'> Tradeable costume from Locked Adventure Box' costume set x1</font>