Open for a random item useful for forging. Rarely contains Megaflux Tanks.
Titan's Treasure contains random amount of flux, as well as it can rarely give you Megaflux Tank.\n<font color='#F2E036'>Every 70th opened box will contain rare loot with 100% chance.</font> \n\n<font color='#49AD12'>Common - 86%</font>\n<font color='#49AD12'> Flux x1500, x2500, x3500</font>\n<font color='#5EDDF3'>Uncommon - 13%</font>\n<font color='#5EDDF3'> Flux x5000, x6000, x7500</font>\n<font color='#6E1DE7'>Rare - 1%</font>\n<font color='#6E1DE7'> Megaflux Tank x1</font>