[Deleted User]

Press [HK:Atlas] to open the Atlas.

Press [HK:NavigationMenu] to access the Atlas (under PROGRESSION).

Trovian Atlas

Place to queue yourself for this week's Challenge Delve at Depth 110, then use [HK:Loot] to launch. Other players may join this queue. Biomes: Depth-Locked Invites: Return Invites Only Mounts: Delve Restricted Difficulty: Depth 110

Delve Gateway (Challenge Easy)

Place to queue yourself for this week's Challenge Delve (Initial Depth: 110), then use [HK:Loot] to launch. Other players may join this queue. Biomes: Depth-Locked Invites: Return Invites Only Mounts: Delve Restricted Difficulty: Challenge Delve Depth of placing Player

Delve Gateway (Challenge Mode)

Gathering spot for developer delve mode

Delve Developer Queue

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve, then use [HK:Loot] to launch. Other players may join this queue. Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Difficulty: Public Delve Score of queued Classes