[Deleted User]
Side Quest: Geode Cave Expertise - Talk to Amberine in the Trove Hub to start your adventure into the depths of the Geode caves and unlock better equipment for your discovery suit. You can find Amberine at the entrance to the Geodian Guild Hall.
Talk to Amberine to Start the Geode Caves Expertise Quest
It's time to explore the depths of Geode, Trovian! I'm Amberine.
The caves are too dangerous for most Geodians, but the Sunseekers have opened portals just for Trovians like you.
You can use either the portal down below in the Geodian Guild Hall or the Atlas to get to Geode. Once you land in Geode take an airavator down to the Mining Facility and use the purple portal to Moonglow Grotto.
Go to Moonglow Grotto
The main parts of your discovery suit are the GAS, or Geodian Acclimation System, and N-Charge. The GAS allows you to withstand the caves' atmosphere longer, while the N-Charge powers the rest of your modules.\n\nMy favorite module is the Climbing Claw! It can grapple onto higher ledges or knock back critters - without injury, of course. We Geodians would never harm a thing!\n\nUse your Climbing Claw and latch onto a wall or ledge.
Use Your Climbing Claw
For all your gathering needs, you've got the Omni-Tool.\n\nIt's short-range for now, but you can upgrade that later at the Module Forge.\n\nUse your Omni-Tool.
Use Your Omni-Tool
YOU THERE! If you MUST invade the home of the creatures who live in these caves, I insist you help them.\n\nI had Amberine give you Critter Treats, Curing Kits, and Comfort Blankets to tend to the cave critters you find. They should already be equipped to your hotkey bar. If you run out, make more at our sanctuary's Crystallogy Center using materials from the caves.\n\nHelp 3 cave critters. Use Critter Treats on hungry critters, Curing Kits on injured critters, and Comfort Blankets on cold critters.
Help 3 Cave Critters