Requires {0} club permission
Allows the player to use the '/zonerestrict' command to define Basic, Standard, or Expert modification permissions per Club World zone. The '/zonerestrict' command now uses arguments of <basic/standard/expert/nobody> instead of <architect/officer/member/nobody>. The player using the command must be standing inside club world zone they intend to restrict.
Allows members with this permission to ban non-club members from entering the club world with the '/club block' and '/club unblock' commands.
Enables or disables the ability to interact with the club's chest.
Allows members with this permission to summon Heroes at the Rally of Heroes. Also allows management of NPCs on the club's Adventures tab.
Enables or disables the ability to craft at a club workbench.
Allows members with this permission to demote existing members to a lower rank.
Allows members with this permission to edit the club's Message Of The Day.
Allows members with this permission to edit the club's rank permissions. WARNING: Please be cautious when considering which club ranks gain the ability to edit permissions.
Allows members with this permission to add or remove a fixture in the club world.