
June 4 - 2020

Luxion's Spring Cleaning 2/6: It is good to see you little one. Now that you are here I beseech you, please take one of these items off of my claws.

Luxion's Spring Cleaning 3/6: More Dragon Coins. You need more Dragon Coins. Complete all three tiers of an hourly challenge and I will reward you handsomely.

Delicious, but perishable.\n\nLeftover Sunfest Cake will disappear at the end of Sunfest.

Activate a 'Carys House Badge' to chat

Activate a 'Panatea House Badge' to chat

Activate a 'Tysorion House Badge' to chat

Plunder Pals 2019 1/7: Ahoy Trovian, it's me, Saltwater Sam! It's time to take on the pirates of the Treasure Isles as Plunder Pals has begun. If you prove yourself a loyal crew member there will be loot for you too!

Plunder Pals 2019 2/7: Yar Har! Now that you have shown those pirates the business you should gather up seashells for me. I love hunting seashell buoys in the Treasure Isles.

Plunder Pals 2019 3/7: I like the cut of your jib, Trovian. I can never get enough Flux and those pirrats are trouble. Take down dungeons in any world for a chance to find Flux Treasures.

Granted from the weekly Deepest Challenge Delve Leaderboard