
Placeable in Club Worlds only. No-one knows whether these sizeable sweet structures that dot the Candorian landscape are natural or artificial. <font color='#ff3030'>Warning:</font> Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.

Colossal Candy Cane

Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. A great big gob of sweet green goop. <font color='#ff3030'>Warning:</font> Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.
一大块绿色的东西~咦~~~\n\n警告!一旦放置, 架构将不能够再次拾取. 它们只能通过分解单独的方块和装饰品来消除

Giant Green Gumdrop

Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. A scoop of ice cream that somehow survives under the Candorian Sun. <font color='#ff3030'>Warning:</font> Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.

Slippery Scoop Slope

Placeable in Club Worlds only. A luxurious Candorian house. <font color='#ff3030'>Warning:</font> Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.

Cake Cottage

Placeable in Club Worlds only. A Candorian sentry station to keep watch over the surrounding countryside. <font color='#ff3030'>Warning:</font> Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.

Gumball Guardtower