Trovian Clubit Union, Tier 1 - Allows for a maximum of 3000 Clubits to be contributed to the Club.
寻宝者公会币仓库,1阶 - 最多允许捐献3000公会币。
Trovian Clubit Union, Tier 2 - Allows for a maximum of 9000 Clubits to be contributed to the Club.
寻宝者公会币仓库,2阶 - 最多允许捐献9000公会币。
Trovian Clubit Union, Tier 3 - Allows for an uncapped amount of Clubits to be contributed to the Club.
寻宝者公会币仓库,3阶 - 不限制公会币捐献数。
Key Fixture. Deposit your extra Clubits here to contribute to Club upgrades and improvements.
Trovian Clubit Union