Unrecognized destination {0} for account export; expected {1}.
此账户目的地 {0} 未被承认; 预期 {1}.
Failed to transmit account data.
Please confirm that you want to completely
overwrite everything you have on the {0}
server with what you have on this server.
请确认你想要完全重置你在 {0} 服务器上的所有东西。
Failed to setup account export.
Account has been exported to {0}
账户被输出到 {0}
Account export is not currently enabled on this server.
There are multiple possible destinations ({0}) to export to; please pick one.
这有很多可能性的目的地 ({0}) 去输出; 请选择一个.
Please select which server you wish
to export this account to: