
Seek out pebbles near the Geodian Cave portals or boulders at Geodian Topside Outposts to find Geodian Adventures! Use /adventurerewards to see your daily adventure rewards progress. Guild Guidelines allow up to 5 Geodian Adventures to be completed per Trovian per day.

Luxion of the Golden Hoard returns to the Hub for 72 hours twice a month to trade goods for Dragon Coins. You can find Luxion in Light's Den beneath the Trove Hub. Catch him before he flies away!
Luxion of the Golden Hoard は月に2回Hubに戻ってきて、グッズとDragon Coinを交換します。 毎月末と月の半ばに彼は戻ってきて、72時間の間 Dragon Crucible の近くでLuxionを見つける事ができます。