Going Green
Crafting Material.\n\nHarvested from Plasma Condensers, which are craftable at the Gardening Bench.
Crafting Material.\n\nHarvested from Unripe Fertilizer Heaps, which are craftable at the Gardening Bench.
Crafting Material.\n\nGain Flux from using the Loot Collector on equipment.
Crafted material used to efficiently store large quantities of Flux.\n\nCraftable at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench or rarely found in Titan's Treasure Chests.
Rare Crafting Material.\n\nObtained from Loot Collecting Shadow Level 2 equipment.
Rare Crafting Material.\n\nObtained from Loot Collecting Shadow Level 3 equipment. Can also be crafted at the Shadowy Market with Twice-Forged Shadow Souls.
Rare Crafting Material.\n\nObtained from Loot Collecting Shadow Level 4 equipment. Can also be crafted at the Shadowy Market with Thrice-Forged Shadow Souls.
Rare Crafting Material.\n\nObtained from Loot Collecting Shadow Level 5 equipment. Can also be crafted at the Shadowy Market with Quad-Forged Shadow Souls.
Get the rarest tier of rewards from select lockboxes!\n\nLoot Collect to transform into a Golden Key, which works on Adventure, Event, Mining, and Pet lockboxes.
Use to get the rarest tier of rewards from Adventure, Event, Mining, and Pet lockboxes.\n\nPurchased with Credits from the "More" section of the Store.