Gain enough Power Rank to access a Cursed Vale world by finding better equipment in Permafrost dungeons. You can see how strong you need to be to get into the Cursed Vale by checking the Power Rank requirement in the Atlas! You don't know your Power Rank? Open your character sheet [HK:CharacterSheet], and at the top, you can check your Power Rank.
Talk with an Adventure Agent
You made it to the Cursed Vale, great! Do you see that wraith with the Exclamation point over their head? Folks like that will give you an adventure you can complete each day for experience and Adventurine! Different colored exclamation points lead to different types of Adventures.
More Dungeons!
Nice of you to help that guy out. You can use the Adventure board in the Hub to look at your current adventures or press [HK:ActivityTracker]. Take down more dungeons. While you're there, do you see those really big Dungeons on the map, so-called '3-Star Dungeons'? I hear they have stronger baddies and better loot. They might be worth your while.
Nice of you to help that guy out. You can use the Adventure board the Hub to look at your current adventures or look in the Adventures section of the menu [HK:NavigationMenu]. Take down more dungeons and keep an eye out for Todstrom. While you're there, do you see those really big Dungeons on the map, so-called '3-Star Dungeons'? I hear they have stronger baddies and better loot. They might be worth your while. I'll keep poking around the hub to see if I can find any more info about Todstrom.
Mine Shapestone
I've been asking you to take down a lot of dungeons, I know. We need to get strong and I think a Ring would look good on your finger. No, what, no, not like THAT! Rings give you Power Rank, just like Hats, Weapons, and Masks, and we need all the Power Rank we can get! You gather up the Shapestone using Build Mode [HK:SwitchInputMode], and I'll tell you what to do next! Oh, and remember, Shapestone is the pink and purple ore, it’s all over the place!
Meet me in the Crafter's Corner in the Hub
Alrighty, great, that should be more than enough Shapestone. Head back to the Hub (press and hold [HK:Homeworld]) and meet up with me over in the Crafter's Corner to the Northwest of the Landing Pad.