Any fish or boots will work! Talk to Saltwater Sam in a Drowned World to get started.
Rewarded for completing a Geodian Guild Adventure.
I'm glad I finally got to visit Trove.
Clipper class ship. Can be made at the Nautical Assembler in Drowned Worlds.
Raft class ship. Can be bought from Saltwater Sam in Drowned Worlds.\n\nUse [HK:EquipBoat] while in Water to ride.
Galleon class ship. Can be made at the Nautical Assembler in Drowned Worlds.
Mark, Mini Marakeet
Respects the hustle and their elders.
Earned from completing the Marketplace Expertise Side Quest.
A magnificent sail that will carry your boat swiftly to safe port. Can be made at the Nautical Assembler in Drowned Worlds.