
Venture into the Shadow Tower, where unknown dangers await in its many floors.
冒險進入暗影塔,那裡有許多未知的危險等待著你。\n\n你需要Shadow, Moon, or Eclipse Key來面對危險。

Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Adventure World, an amalgam of many lands coalesced in the aftermath of the Sundering.\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.
進入這個冒險世界,這是一個在破解之後合併的許多土地的混合物\n\n完成在這個世界上的地下城並取得Eclipse Key Fragments\n\nPower Rank 5000\n建議等級 27-28\n\n按 [HK:Loot]