[Deleted User]

You can click a style slot to choose from only styles you've collected for that slot.

You can craft bombs and portal potions in the world by pressing [V].

Craft a club card at the Crafting Bench and use it to make your own club.

You can type '/join' followed by a word to join or create a custom chat channel.

Pressing [F1] will show you all hotkeys

Equipment can be forged up to 25 times and each time it increases stats by 2%.

You can add someone to your friends list by typing '/friend' followed by their name.

You can type '/1' to type in global chat, '/2' to type in world chat, and '/say' to chat to nearby Trovians.

There are many hub worlds and general chat channels - there are a lot of people playing Trove and they can't all fit in one!

One star next to a stat on an item means it rolled 80% or better of max, two stars means 95% or better.