Shadowy Spotlight
A costume for the Ice Sage.\n\nDrop the ice to the beat!
Renewus 2022 3/7: Aww man, too much fun. But just because it's party time doesn't mean there isn't work to do. There are too many enemies and there's too little time. Would you mind going out and punching some for me?
Renewus 2022 4/7: Wow, that was fast. Okay now that you've dealt with some riff raff how about clearing some of the smaller Dungeons in the area?
Renewus 2022 5/7: You really are good at this. Just need to take out a few of the bigger dungeons now and you'll make it back in time for the Orb drop!
Renewus 2022 6/7: You really are the best Trovian. Come back to the hub and wait for one of the Renewus Orbs to drop and celebrate the new year, one should drop every few minutes.
Renewus 2022 7/7: This year is going be great, I can feel it. Can't you?! Doesn't it make you want to jump for joy? Well, what's stopping you!?
Make some Hecky Chow
A lucky coin in lucky times.