Shadowy Spotlight

Sir Qubesly


Awarded for being in the top 100 of the Delve Leaderboard 'Deepest Public Delve with a Candy Barbarian'

Tactical Seekers

When enemies take damage from the Shadow Hunter's Sacred Arrow a Shadow Seeker will fire from the Shadow Hunter and attack the closest target.

Babies are always cute, but this one might be an exception.

If this is what Geode does to heckbugs, let's just hope they never make it to the surface.

Hatches into a common, uncommon, or rare Heckbug. Found rarely when exploring or assiting wild Heckbugs in the Sunken Sunvault during the Heckbugs In Love event.

A costume for the Gunslinger.\n\nMember of the W.A.L.T. division.

A costume for the Bard.\n\nBe A Radically Digital Strummer and strum your Digital Strummer with your digits!