Delves PC - Hotfix 11

This limited time pack unlocks the Growing Gator mount, Sir Dapper Duckington ally, Frolicking Fable ally, Bouquet Buggy Magrider, The May Flower Boat and Sail, The Heroic Hydrophobe costume for Knight, The Precipitation Princess costume for Neon Ninja, and the Van Gardener costume for the Vanguardian. Get them quick before they dip!

The very essence of Red-ness. Consume this essence to learn a hint about the nature of Prismatic Orange and interact with its presence for 30 seconds or until you switch worlds.

The very essence of Green-ness. Consume this essence to learn a hint about the nature of Prismatic Blue and interact with its presence for 30 seconds or until you switch worlds.

Dig Up Buried Treasure

Buried Treasure!

Your challenge depth was not updated, this challenge was for last week.

Your challenge depth was not updated, one of the timers expired.

The Delve weekly challenge reset has happened. You have been removed from last week's queue; please re-queue.

Challenge Progression Locked! The next week for delve challenges has started, invalidating this current delve. You can still defeat the tier boss and collect their loot.

Lunar Plunge