Side Quest: Geode Cave Expertise - Talk to Amberine in the Trove Hub to start your adventure into the depths of the Geode caves and unlock better equipment for your discovery suit. You can find Amberine at the entrance to the Geodian Guild Hall.

Talk to Amberine to Start the Geode Caves Expertise Quest

Oof. Did Sunseeker Gabbro yell at you? Our Companion Master's frazzled after caring for all the creatures being hurt by Shadows... He doesn't mean anything by it.\n\nWhy don't you go gather some materials for us? That would get you in Gabbro's good graces for sure.\n\nUse your Omni-Tool to gather 40 gleamstone, moonstone, day drops, or dream dew in Moonglow Grotto.

Gather in Moonglow Grotto

Travel through the caves as far as you can!\n\nOnce your GAS (the red meter on your toolbar) runs out, one of our trained adventurers will come fetch you.\n\nExplore the area until you run out of GAS. You can also return to the Geode Sanctuary at any time by pressing [HK:Homeworld].

Run out of GAS

YOU are the Trovian come to save us? Hm.\n\nI am Sunseeker Lazul. First, you will save more cave creatures - and save Gabbro some heartache. Then, we will see about saving us.\n\nCome! Crystallogy awaits. Crystallogy fortifies. Crystallogy will make you bolder yet.\n\nCraft 1 Critter Treat at the Crystallogy Workbench located to the west.

Craft Critter Treats

Nice! Lazul gave you a Reliquary Token. Redeem it at the Reliquary Research Lab - and don't be alarmed by Sunseeker Th'lan, if you see her. She's on our side. \n\nTake an airavator up one floor and head west to redeem your token with Reliquary Merchant Thundros.

Redeem Reliquary Token