Launches the Gunslinger up into the air, damaging any nearby enemies.
Dispara al "Gunslinger" hacia arriba, haciendo daño a los enemigos cercanos.

Blast Jump
Salto explosivo

Good things come to those who wait.
Las cosas buenas vienen para aquellos que esperan.

Charged Shot
Tiro cargado

Hold Charged Shot for up to 0.85 seconds to increase its damage and radius. Applies a debuff that increases damage done to the target for 5 seconds. At max Charge when targets are below 35% health they take additional damage.
Mantén el tiro cargado durante al menos 2 segundos para incrementar su daño y radio.

Charged Sniper Shot
Tiro cargado

Good things come to those who wait.
Las cosas buenas vienen para aquellos que esperan.

Charged Shot
Tiro cargado

Increases the Gunslinger's Movement Speed and Attack Speed, and allows the Gunslinger to run full speed while attacking.
Aumenta la velocidad de movimiento y la velocidad de ataque, y permite al "Gunslinger" correr a toda velocidad mientras ataca.

Run and Gun
Dispara y Corre