Into the Deep Hotfix 3

Tricksie Pixie

A St. Qubeslick themed costume for the Fae Trickster. Cursed to be cute.

Gather Lucky Dust

St. Qubeslick 2020 1/6: Hi Trovian, it's me, Qubesly! It's time to make our own luck as St. Qubeslick has returned. Start by gathering St. Qubeslick Lucky Dust. All dungeons and lairs have a chance to drop Lucky Dust during St. Qubeslick.

Craft with Lucky Dust

St. Qubeslick 2020 2/6: That’s plenty of dust. It's time to craft this into something spectacular. Head to the Radiant Dayspring on the Sun Goddess Statue the Hub and craft Lucky Stars or Lucky Clover Seeds!

Spread Some Luck

St. Qubeslick 2020 3/6: Just beautiful Trovian, you always do the right thing. Plant those seeds or throw those Lucky Stars to help add more luck to this wild and crazy world.

Trigger Magic Find

St. Qubeslick 2020 4/6: I feel luckier already, don't you? Test your luck by triggering magic find!