[Deleted User] Murobob

A higher chance to get additional effects is always good.

Increases the chance to gain a random emblem effect when using a flask by 3%. Grants a Caprian Dragon Egg Fragment when upgrading

Minor Star of Greater Alchemic Power 3.0

More random effects. MOOOOORREEEEE!!!!

Increases the chance to gain a random emblem effect when using a flask by 3%.

Minor Star of Greater Alchemic Power 2.0

Why are flasks so OP... here is a random one.

10% chance to gain a random emblem effect when using a flask. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked

Major Star of Greater Alchemic Power

This should help you jump and not get thrown across the room in delves.

Increases Jump by 5. Increases Stability by 50.

Minor Star of Leaping and Anti-Knockback

When visiting the final frontier, it's always good to have speed.

Increases Movement Speed by 5.

Minor Star of Speed

Attack speed is all some classes need.

Increases Attack Speed by 6%.

Minor Star of Haste

Now that flasks are powered up, heres a few more.

Increases Flask Capacity by 3. Grants Charter's Chair when upgrading

Minor Star of Alchemy

So Many Flasks!!!!!

Increases Flask Capacity by 3.

Minor Star of Alchemy

10% chance to gain a flask charge when using a Flask. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked

Major Star of Flask Renewal 2.0

Star of health bless us with more health please.

Increases Maximum Health by 15%.

Minor Star of Heartiness

Fighting throughout this Trovian world has given you the intellect to randomly recharge flasks.

5% chance to gain a flask charge when using a Flask. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked

Major Star of Flask Renewal

Little bit of speed to help you in the world.

Increases Movement Speed by 5.

Minor Star of Speed

This shooting star is so fast it teaches trovians to hit faster.

Increases Attack Speed by 3%.

Minor Star of Haste

Real Critting is more about following your heart than following a build.

Increases Critical Hit Chance by 6%. Increases Critical Hit Damage by 6%.

Minor Star of Accuracy and Critical

Drinking too many flasks has made the random buffs gained from them stick.

Increases Magic Damage by 5%. Increases Physical Damage by 5%.

Minor Star of Strength and Intellect

The shield may be just as important as DPS number charts.

Increases Damage Reduction by 8%.

Minor Star of Protection

Moooooooooooreeeeeeeee Healing PLEASE!!!

Increases Health Regen by 8%.

Minor Star of Healing

You get a buff, and you get a buff, everybody gets a buff.

100% chance when using a Flask to gain either an Attack Buff, Defense Buff, or Healing Buff. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked

Major Star of Minor Buffing Always

Random buffs are always great because they are buffs.

50% chance when using a Flask to gain either an Attack Buff, Defense Buff, or Healing Buff. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked

Major Star of Minor Buffing

A Blessing of bountiful flasks... I really hope this is not too OP... Maybe I need to nerf Death-Defying...

A branch of a constellation related to Flasks? What could go wrong?

Increases Flask Capacity by 1.

Minor Star of Alchemy

Two damage types, maybe someday we will search the stars and find the 3rd one.

Increases Physical Damage by 5%. Increases Magic Damage by 5%.

Minor Star of Strength and Intellect

Speed through the stars for greater power.

Increases Attack Speed by 10%.

Minor Star of Haste

One day it will be super important to have a lot of this. Wink Wink

Increases Critical Hit Chance by 10%.

Minor Star of Accuracy

With faster attack and higher life leech you may someday be invincible.

Damaging enemies grants 20% Life Leech. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked

Major Star of Draining Kiss

In this constellation of dungeon seeking we greet thee with more health.

Increases Health Regen by 175. Increases Maximum Health by 14%.

Minor Star of Healing and Heartiness

Looking up at the stars has granted additional buff time.

Increases Bounty Hunt Boon to give an additional 5% to Physical and Magic Damage.

Minor Star of the Bounty Hunt

Grant me the true power of the stars. May I destroy the darkness of the cosmos.

Increases Light by 50. Grants Starry Skyfire when upgrading

Minor Star of Light

Hunting enemies now grants you boons.

After defeating a Sundered Uplands 5 Star Boss, gain 10% increased Physical and Magic Damage for 4 hours. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked

Major Star of the Bounty Hunt Boon

Fly, you fools, Fly to the end of that Delve.

Increases Movement Speed by 5.

Minor Star of Speed

Attacks so fast you can not even animate fast enough.

Increases Attack Speed by 6%.

Minor Star of Haste

Greater shining light to destroy the dark.

Increases Light by 150. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked

Major Star of Light

Looking to the stars to decide how to increase those damage numbers.

Increases Critical Hit Damage by 10%.

Minor Star of Critical

Jump up without being pushed around by bullies.

Increases Jump by 5. Increases Stability by 50.

Minor Star of Leaping and Anti-Knockback

A little more time to the boon you just got.

Increases the Depths boon damage reduction to 25% and duration to 1 hour.

Minor Star of Depths Boon 2.0

Look up at the sky one night and see the lights above.

Increases Light by 50. Grants Scorpius when upgrading

Minor Star of Light

Delving just got a little bit easier.

After defeating a delve boss, gain 20% damage reduction for 30 minutes. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked

Major Star of the Depths Boon

Oops, did I leave a flask over on this side of the cosmos.

Increases Flask Capacity by 1.

Minor Star of Alchemy

Wink Wink...

Increases Critical Hit Chance by 10%.

Minor Star of Accuracy

Drain health from your enemies.

Damaging enemies grants 10% Life Leech. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked

Major Star of Draining Kiss

Star of speed give me swiftness to strike my foes.

Increases Attack Speed by 3%.

Minor Star of Haste

Grants the power of Cubesly. This constellation helps to empower players in dungeons and delves as well as improving flasks.

Constellation of Cubesly