[Deleted User] Murobob

Travel to the Treasure Isles or Lost Isles and defeat Pirrot Lords.

Travel to the Radiant Ruins world and defeat Radiant Giants. They appear on floating islands to guard the Crystalized Clouds that accumulate there, but something has gotten into them lately...

Defeat Radiant Giants

Travel to the Radiant Ruins world and defeat Radiant Giants.

Travel to the Desert Frontier Adventure World and defeat Mad Steamragers. The can be found inside dungeons.

Defeat Mad Steamragers

Travel to the Desert Frontier Adventure World and defeat Mad Steamrager bosses.

Travel to the Jurassic Jungle Adventure World and defeat Amphibian Tribal Shamans. They can be found inside dungeons. Ooga Booga.

Defeat Amphibian Tribal Shamans

Travel to the Jurassic Jungle Adventure World and defeat Amphibian Tribal Shamans.