
It costs {0} Flux to open this portal.
花費 {0} Flux 入場費用挑戰暗影塔

Rewards one Chaos Chest for the first dungeons completed each day, up to the current amount of Chaos Factor.\nPatron rewards an extra Chaos Chests per trigger.\n"/chaosfactor" can be used to see remaining rewards.
影響每日登入能獲得多少Chaos Chest獎勵

+50 Experience Gain\n+4 Chaos Factor\n+2 Flask Capacity\n+5 Jump\n+50 Lasermancy\n+33% Adventurine\n+100% Magic Find\n+100% Daily Bonuses\n+200% Cubits\n+200% Flux\n+2 Max Flasks\n+100% Crafting Speed\n+100% Battle Boxes\n+100% Gem Box Karma\n+100% Chaos Factor Rewards
+50% 經驗值加成\n+4 渾沌箱獲得\n+2 藥水容量\n+5 跳躍能力\n+50 礦物雷射\n+100% 製作速度\n+100% 寶物掉落