September 6, 2022

Dinoboy Daily Adventure: Neeerrrr auhhhhh. The triceratop hands you a map of enemy locations in the Desert Frontier. You should head there immediately and protect the cowboys there from the villians by defeating their dungeon homes.

Neeerrrr auhhhhh.

Defeat Enemies of the Jurassic Jungle

Cowasaur Daily Adventure: Huffaw, how could anyone be an enemy of such a majestic creature. Dinosaurs are something to behold. You know what isn't, the criminals that would poach them or the crazed predators that hunt them. How about you go into the Jurassic Jungle and clear out a safe place for the more peaceful dinos?

The law can be quite, prickly.

Defeat Enemies of the Desert Frontier

Dinoboy Daily Adventure: Scrrriii Yrrrllllll. The quite armed but still reformed predator seems to have an itchy trigger finger. It would seem it wants you to defeat the enemies of the Desert Frontier. How wise would it be to ignore the orders of an armed reformed predator?

Scrrriii Yrrrllllll.

Collect Vials of Q'rsed Essence

Shadow's Eve Daily Adventure: To defeat an enemy you must know it. To know our enemy we must study them. Go and defeat wolves and werewolves in the Cursed Vale. They may sometimes drop a Vial of Q'rsed Essence. Go collect it, then check the Shadowy Station for how it can be used.