Into the Deep

Dungeon Delve!\n\nPress [HK:Map] to use your Map to find and complete a Dungeon. Skip any dungeons with giant floating red 'X's overhead; this means that they have already been completed.
按 [HK:Map] 開啟地圖,找到地下城並通關。紅色的X代表已經被通關了。

The wild blocky west beckons! Gain enough Power Rank to access a Desert Frontier world by finding better equipment in Cursed Vale dungeons. Your current Power Rank is displayed in the upper left of your screen. \n\nYou can open the Trovian Atlas with [HK:Atlas] to see the Power Rank requirement for each Adventure world. You can also hold down [HK:Homeworld] to return to the Trove Hub. If you are not yet at the recommeded level for a world you will get reduced experience so make sure you keep your level up!
Power Rank 達到160分時,可以在主城(Hub World)找到橘色的傳送門進入Master世界。