When equipped in Auto-Use, heals 5% of Max Health whenever DRINKING a Flask.\n\nWhile equipped, CONSUME at the RELIC of PRESERVATION to apply as a LITANY effect for the remainder of the current week.

Mantra: When in Trove!

When equipped, steadily GLIDE for 10+ seconds in Hub or Adventure Worlds to receive SLOWFALL for 10 seconds.\n\nWhile equipped, CONSUME at the RELIC of PRESERVATION to apply as a LITANY effect for the remainder of the current week.

Mantra of Featherlight

When equipped in Auto-Use, MINING for 5s total triggers a large EXPLOSION.\nCooldown: 30s\n\nWhile equipped, CONSUME at the RELIC of PRESERVATION to apply as a LITANY effect for the remainder of the current week.

Mantra of Mega-Lasermancy

When equipped in Auto-Use, MINING for 3s total briefly reveals nearby resource blocks.\nCooldown: 5s\n\nWhile equipped, CONSUME at the RELIC of PRESERVATION to apply as a LITANY effect for the remainder of the current week.

Mantra of Meta-Lasermancy

When equipped in Auto-Use, MOUNT-up and strike an /EPICPOSE to increase MAGIC FIND by +25 and +1% for 2 hours.\n\nWhile equipped, CONSUME at the RELIC of PRESERVATION to apply as a LITANY effect for the remainder of the current week.

Mantra of Luck