Mount Menagerie, Tier 1 - Contains 1 leash block and grants +2 Jump along with a small additional chance to drop Corgi, Meownt, Shmeep, and Centaur Talismans.
Mount Menagerie, Tier 2 - Contains 3 leash blocks and grants +3 Jump along with a 2x higher chance to drop all previous Talismans along with Llama, Rat, and Panda Talismans.
Mount Menagerie, Tier 3 - Contains 5 leash blocks and grants +5 Jump along with a 4x higher chance to drop all previous Talismans along with Griffon Talismans (removes the Skylands Only restriction).
Utility Fixture. Grants a bonus to Jump and to finding Talismans if this is selected as your primary Club. Tether your mount to the fixture's leash block to show it off!
Mount Menagerie
Trovian Clubit Union, Tier 1 - Allows for a maximum of 3000 Clubits to be contributed to the Club.
Trovian Clubit Union, Tier 2 - Allows for a maximum of 9000 Clubits to be contributed to the Club.
Trovian Clubit Union, Tier 3 - Allows for an uncapped amount of Clubits to be contributed to the Club.
Key Fixture. Deposit your extra Clubits here to contribute to Club upgrades and improvements.
Trovian Clubit Union