Shadowy Spotlight
Nearby enemies periodically receive a Shadow Mark, increasing damage done to them as well as making them visible through walls. When the Shadow Hunter uses a basic attack on Shadow Marked targets a small explosion is triggered at the target and the Shadow Hunter will gain one Seeker. Additionally, when dodging the Shadow Hunter gains a movement speed boost for a short time.
가까이 있는 적들은 정기적으로 어둠의 표식이 매겨집니다,이 표식이 새겨진 적에겐 충전된 빛의 화살의 데미지가 증가하며 쉐도우헌터가 적을 벽넘어로 볼수 있습니다.
Throws a blinding trap which stuns and damages all nearby enemies for 2 seconds when triggered. Enemies damaged by it will also gain Shadow Mark.
눈을 멀게하는 트랩을던져 데미지를주고 2초동안 적들은 기절시킵니다.
If the Trickster has taken no damage for four seconds, their basic attack deals bonus damage.
트릭스터가 2초동안 데미지를 입지않을시,트릭스터의 기본공격이 보너스 공격력을 받습니다.