Shadowy Spotlight

St. Qubeslick's Feast 4/10: Now that you've got the ingredients, you can cook it right up on this Min-E Bake Oven next to me!

Obtain a Luckbeast Haunch

St. Qubeslick's Feast 5/10: Equip that Delite right in your Food slot, head over to the JURASSIC JUNGLE, NEON CITY, or LUMINOPOLIS, and find a Luckbeast! Remember, they're INVISIBLE unless you've got a St. Qubeslick's Delite or Feast equipped!

Craft the Feast of St. Qubeslick

St. Qubeslick's Feast 6/10: Ok! Remember how to make the St. Qubeslick's Delite? Well, the Min-E-Bake Oven can also make the Feast! It's next to me in the Hub, give it a shot once you've obtained the ingredients!

Find some of St. Qubeslick's coins

St. Qubeslick's Feast 7/10: Now that Feast is special. It not only reveals the Luckbeasts and their kin but it also reveals the treasures of St. Qubeslick. There's plenty of treasure in the TREASURE ISLES, so it's a solid bet you'll find some there.

Find St. Qubeslick's Pot 'o Gold

St. Qubeslick's Feast 8/10: Told ya' the pirates would have treasure! Now that you have some of Sir O'Lucky's Coins you can toss some into one of the Pots o' Gold that are laying about, they should be in the TREASURE ISLES. You will need the St. Qubeslick Delight or Feast of St. Qubeslick to see the treasure.

Find Sir O'Lucky at a Unity Shrine