Pre Snowfest 2021

You have unlocked the Lunar Leap ability!

You have unlocked the Lunarform ability!

Mysterious casters from beyond the Planes, Chloromancers' basic attacks heal allies, damage enemies, and grow their plants faster. Leafy Lashers deal damage, Blooming Pollinators snare foes and heal allies, and Empowered Growth increases the power of your plants to turn the tide of battle.

Guardians of the Twilight Stratospheres, Lancers accumulate lunar power as they fight, eventually erupting into full Lunarform. They can also call down a blessing from their missing deity, and use Grapple for damage and mobility.

Receive a a total of 24 goodies in this limited time pack, including the Tyke Present Trike, Shadow-Stitched Snowfest Quilt, and Peppermint Goatyata mounts, Shadow's Sock of Soot, Teensy Tinsel Team, and Trovian's Sock of Treasures allies, and the Snowfest Slugger, Mistletoe Matron, Cookie Conjurer, and Lederhosen Lancer Costumes. Get them before they melt!

Food cooked for others always tastes best!

After damaging enemies with the Lunar Infused Grapple, gain a speed buff instead of the normal damage buff.

Growing Heckbug

Abhorrent Heckbug

Hecky Bag of Hecky Chow