August 14, 2023
Smoldering Marks power the Frozen Anvil.
The Smoldering Clutch thinks they’re so smart, put them in their place.
Smoldering Clutch enemies can be found in the SMOLDERING VAULTS the DRAGONFIRE PEAKS.
Defeat Smoldering Clutch Bosses
The leaders of the Smoldering Clutch are lazy and weak.
Those in charge are to blame for everything, they know what their sire did. Find them and destroy them.\n\nDefeat a Boss in the SMOLDERING VAULTS found in the DRAGONFIRE PEAKS.""
Open a Smoldering Stash
If they cannot defend it, then take it.
Those clutch whelps keep their most treasured valuables in Smoldering Stashes. I recommend you find one and enrich yourself.
Smoldering Stashes can be found rarely in the SMOLDERING VAULTS in the DRAGONFIRE PEAKS.
Work for the Smoldering Clutch
These upstarts, they got no class.