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Language (en), File (prefabs_item_pet)
Has a bad habit of appearing and disappearing when you blink.
Ally: Batting Eye
Ally: Stella
Best Bee Buddy Be-ever?
Yzzuli's Drones were starting to become endangered, but thanks to gardeners they are thriving once again! Extras of this ally can be composted.
Ally: Yzzuli's Drone
Yzzuli's Champions can be recognized by their distinct coloring and suspicious nature.\n\nExtras of this ally can be composted.
Ally: Yzzuli's Champion
Yzzzzz Queeen. Extras of this ally can be composted.
Ally: Yzzuli's Queen
Watch out for the gum drop buttons.
Ally: Candorian Cookie
Ally: King Steed Feed XIV
Give her a cracker or walk the plank. Your choice.
Ally: Pollywanna
Ally: Brian Bones
Ally: Chippy
It's made for walking, and that's just what it'll do.
Ally: Bounding Boot
A friend and rival, always pushing you to go further.
Ally: Cardio Companion
Every little step it takes is magic.
Ally: Sorcerous Shoe
A fine footwear friend for fighting folk.
Ally: Steely Sabaton
This diggsly is definitely going places.
Ally: Foreman Footwear
Ally: Loreiasquella
Always have an avenue for escape, and the means to take advantage of it.
Ally: Kami of Fleet Flight
It manifests a rare and mysterious power.
Ally: Cardinal Wildwing
This Fae flitterer is thought to bring fortune to those who find it.
Ally: Lucky Cloverwing
These butterflies fill the summer skies with dancing star-like lights.
Ally: Feisty Flamedancer
Sow dissent, reap revolution.
Ally: Kami of the Burgeoning Breeze
Butterflies are believed to have migrated from the Sky Realms to the Prime many millenia ago.
Ally: Empyreal Emperor Butterfly
This ferocious heavyweight bug has few natural predators.
Ally: Brown Behe-Moth
This large lepidopteran likes to chill in cool Permafrost climes.
Ally: Arctic Behe-Moth
Many believe Chaos Butterflies are an evolution of this species.
Ally: Fuchsia Flitterer
Intelligent and highly magical, there may be more to this creature than meets the eye.
Ally: Sun-Touched Shimmerwing
This bitty bug bot is an advanced experiment in energy self-sufficient automata.