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Language (en), File (prefabs_item_pet)
Ally: Solar-Powered Satellizer
These tricksy snails love hiding in plain sight, pretending to be apples high on a tree. Extras of this ally can be composted.
Ally: Appleshell Snail
Despite their name, Rainwater Snails enjoy healthy gardens no matter the current weather.\n\nExtras of this ally can be composted.
Ally: Rainwater Snail
Pucker up, Sweetie. These snails try to hide, but their bright shells make it difficult. Extras of this ally can be composted.
Ally: Sourshell Snail
An elegant feline that doesn't eschew a little fun.
Ally: Natty Noah
A rather excitable feline with a strange attachment to yarn balls.
Ally: Bubby Bobcat
A tiny new friend that followed you home from Forbidden Spires.
Ally: Baby Brown Cow
Bred extensively by the Frost Fae in the past, this breed now teeters on the edge of extinction.
Ally: Frost Sphynx
These affectionate felines are rather fond of rhyme and song.
Ally: Funny Fezzie
This grizzled kitty walks planks, railings, and rigging with no regard for danger.
Ally: Purr-ate Captain
A shadowy, cat-like entity that appears to be following you for unknown reasons.
Ally: Prowling Shadow
Don't tell Mary where this one has run off to!
Ally: Little Lamb
Normally aloof, it seems to have taken an interest in you.
Ally: Haughty Kitty
Ever since its passing, its demeanor has been less than peaceful.
Ally: Skelly-Cat
Its thick fur is perfect for cuddling on cold nights.
Ally: Little Snow Lynx
Quite the go-getter, with a little encouragement.
Ally: Teensy Tiger
Taking light in to any dark places.
Ally: Waxy Wanderer
That's no chicken.
Ally: Chester Eggington the Third
Its contents are unsalvageable by now, but friendship is the greatest gift anyway.
Ally: Tumbling Present
No matter how hard you shake it, this snow stays in place.
Ally: Springy Snowglobe
Just wants to teach you the ABCs of Trove.
Ally: Wooden Toy Block
Ally: Aemppie
Ally: Sherbie
Ally: Rainbow Slayer Cake
Ally: Flick
Ally: Aevyr
Ally: eyeSpy
Ally: Skyver
Ally: Puck
Ally: Sally Spikes