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Language (en), File (prefabs_item_crafting_events)
Cooked Deviled Eggs.
Teaches the recipe for the Deviled Eggs Decoration at the Friendsgiving Oven.
Side: Deviled Eggs
Cooked Green Beans.
Teaches the recipe for the Green Beans Decoration at the Friendsgiving Oven.
Side: Green Beans
Teaches the recipes to craft all of the Sides from Friendsgiving as decoration blocks at the Friendsgiving Oven.
Sides Recipes
Cooked Stuffing.
Teaches the recipe for the Stuffing Decoration at the Friendsgiving Oven.
Side: Stuffing
Cooked Totter Tates.
Teaches the recipe for the Totter Tates Decoration at the Friendsgiving Oven.
Side: Totter Tates
Teaches the recipes to craft all of the Special Order recipes at the Friendsgiving Oven.
Special Order Recipes
The most premium of currencies for the most premium of friends. Used to craft items at the Turkeytopia Table workbench.
Friendsgiving Coin
What better way to make a salad better than with some nuggets.
Dino Nugget
Many in the frontier have found an herbivorous diet difficult, but it beats eating nothing.
Food: Dino Detritus
Tossed Dino Detritus.
Teaches the recipe teaching the ability to craft the Dino Detritus decoration and food at the Friendsgiving Oven.
Special Order: Dino Detritus
Nothing beats fresh picked cactus, as long as you can avoid getting picked by the cactus.
Fresh Cacti
The carnivores of the Jurassic Jungle should enjoy this well enough. Hopefully....
Food: Cacti Casserole
Oven cooked Cacti Casserole.
Teaches the recipe teaching the ability to craft the Cacti Casserole decoration and food at the Friendsgiving Oven.
Special Order: Cacti Casserole
Chefsly highly recommends skipping this one unless you enjoy the taste of rainwater steeped leaves with a light hint of dirt.
Teaches the recipe teaching the ability to craft the Jungle Tea decoration and food at the Friendsgiving Oven.
Qubesly's Favorites: Jungle Tea
As long as the wild magic doesn't go too wild everything should be fine.
Fae Sugar
The Fae believe it's much quicker to get to desert if it's the main course. Just make sure to leave room for desert.
Food: Fae Sugar Cubes
Assorted Fae Sugar Cubes.
Teaches the recipe teaching the ability to craft the Fae Sugar Cubes decoration and food at the Friendsgiving Oven.
Special Order: Fae Sugar Cubes
Teaches the recipes to craft all of the Special Orders from Friendsgiving 2022 as decoration blocks at the Friendsgiving Oven.
Special Order 2022 Recipes
Perfect for cooking rice or brewing tea.
Plasma Cannister
A delicacy in Luminopolis. They key is to obtain the data fresh so that it rolls best.
Food: Data Rolls with Plasmium Tea
Prepared Data Rolls with Plasmium Tea.
Teaches the recipe teaching the ability to craft the Data Rolls with Plasmium Tea decoration and food at the Friendsgiving Oven.