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Language (en), File (prefabs_item_crafting_events)
Ridiculously radical raddishes and resplendently refreshing!
Food: Raddish Salad
Prepared Raddish Salad.
Teaches the recipe teaching the ability to craft the Raddish Salad decoration and food at the Friendsgiving Oven.
Special Order: Sir Dapper Duckington's Recipes
Teaches the recipes to craft all of the Special Orders from Friendsgiving 2021 as decoration blocks at the Friendsgiving Oven.
Special Order 2021 Recipes
Wheat grown soley in moonlight
Moon Wheat
You can taste the moon in every bite!
Food: Moon Rolls
Cooked Moon Rolls.
Teaches the recipe teaching the ability to craft the Moon Rolls decoration and food at the Friendsgiving Oven.
Special Order: High Priest's Recipes
You can't spike punch if it's frozen solid.
Food: Ice Punch Bowl
Prepared Ice Punch Bowl.
Teaches the recipe teaching the ability to craft the Ice Punch Bowl decoration and food at the Friendsgiving Oven.
Special Order: Snowfest Gang's Recipes
Special Order: Heckbug Chow Recipes
Chow fit for, well, bugs. But you can eat it too.
Food: Hecky Chow
Cooked Hecky Chow.
Teaches the recipe teaching the ability to craft the Hecky Chow Bowl decoration and food at the Friendsgiving Oven.
Teaches the recipes to craft all of Qubesly's Favorites recipes at the Friendsgiving Oven.
Qubesly's Favorites Recipes
Cooked Saintly Corned Beef.
Teaches the recipe for the Saintly Corned Beef Decoration at the Friendsgiving Oven.
Qubesly's Favorites: Saintly Corned Beef
Cooked Cube Rolls.
Teaches the recipe for the Cube Rolls Decoration at the Friendsgiving Oven.
Qubesly's Favorites: Cube Rolls
Prepared Supreme Ice Cream Sundae.
Teaches the recipe for the Supreme Ice Cream Sundae Decoration at the Friendsgiving Oven.
Qubesly's Favorites: Supreme Ice Cream Sundae
Cooked Lunar Light Juice.
Teaches the recipe for the Lunar Light Juice Decoration at the Friendsgiving Oven.
Qubesly's Favorites: Lunar Light Juice
Cooked Pasta, Patrol Style.
Teaches the recipe for the Pasta, Patrol Style Decoration at the Friendsgiving Oven.
Qubesly's Favorites: Pasta, Patrol Style
Teaches the recipes to craft all of Qubesly's Favorites from Friendsgiving 2021 as decoration blocks at the Friendsgiving Oven.
Qubesly's Favorites 2021 Recipes
Raw Rib Roast.
Teaches the recipe for the Raw Rib Roast Decoration at the Friendsgiving Oven.
Qubesly's Favorites: Raw Rib Roast
Cooked Corn Cob.
Teaches the recipe for the Corn Cob Decoration at the Friendsgiving Oven.
Side: Corn Cob