
Quest strings directly from the client.


Help Qubesly discover what happened to Luxion.

Collect Flux Treasures

Luxion is Missing! 1/8: Trovian, it's me, Qubesly. Something has happened to Luxion. I mean, I assume something has happened to Luxion because he's supposed to be here and he's not! Maybe the Flux Treasures he sometime collects have a clue to his location.

Flux Relics, Flux Artifacts, and Flux Crystals have a chance to drop from any Adventure world Dungeon or boss.

Mine Infinium

Luxion is Missing! 2/8: Hmm, I haven't found any obvious yet. Let's try gathering another thing Luxion loves - Infinium!

Infinium can be mined in Adventure worlds starting in Cursed Vale and continuing into Uber worlds.

Defeat Golden Scarabs

Luxion is Missing! 3/8: As you may have guessed, Luxion loves gold, or anything the color of gold at least. Maybe the Golden Scarabs of Medieval Highlands know what happened to him.

Golden Scarabs can be found as Dungeon bosses in Medieval Highlands biomes.

Collect Air Gem Boxes

Luxion is Missing! 4/8: I think it's time for a different approach, Trovian. Luxion is, after all, a dragon and dragons love to soar high above the clouds. I think it's time to visit the Cursed Skylands.

Mine Primordial Flame

Luxion is Missing! 5/8: Now let's find some flame, some Primordial Flame, that is.

Primordial Flame blocks can be found uncommonly in any biome.

Defeat Bosses in Dragonfire Peaks

Luxion is Missing! 6/8: It's possible that Luxion was kidnapped (dragonapped?) by his kin in Dragonfire Peaks. They might not be too happy with how he sells parts of his hoard to Trovians like yourself. We must travel to the Dragonfire Peaks from the Atlas in the Trove Hub and mount a rescue!

Collect Gleamstone

Luxion is Missing! 7/8: I can't believe I didn't think of it before, Trovian. Geode! Luxion shares the Trovian's affinity with the Sun Goddess. Perhaps he went to Geode to visit Her followers there. You search the caves and I'll search the Hub.

Gleamstone deposits can be found in any Geodian cave.

Complete Gabbro's Adventure

Luxion is Missing! 8/8: Trovian! You're never going to believe this. I found Luxion, and he has a litter of dragon whelps with him! He's been staying with Gabbro in the Geode Hub until the little ones are ready to return to Trove. He would like to entrust one of his children to you via a gift of Dragon Souls, but Gabbro is insisting you first prove that you have an adequately caring nature.

Gabbro can be found in the Geode Hub and his nearby assistant grants his Adventure - Care for Cave Critters.



events - $Event_luxionismissing_name

Help Qubesly discover what happened to Luxion.

events - $Event_luxionismissing_description

A gift from Qubesly for helping him search for Luxion.

events - $Claims_luxionismissing

Login every day during the Luxion is Missing event to earn extra rewards!

events - $Claims_login_luxionismissing