
Quest strings directly from the client.


Lay a cretaceous beatdown upon their tails!

Defeat Archaeoceratops in the Desert Frontier

Dino Attack! 1/9: Great stampin' horneytoads! I was minding my own beeswax, prospectin' a claim in the Desert Frontier, when a rootin' tootin' herd o' Archaeoceratops done stampeded my camp! You look mighty capable. How about lending a weathered old cube like me a hand?

Defeat Dinos in Caves in the Desert Frontier

Dino Attack! 2/9: Archaeoceratops used ta' stay home on their own range in the Saurian Swamp. If they were stuck in the desert, they'd like a cool shady place, like down in caves. Maybe if you clear some caves out o' critters, them dinos will leave us alone.

Acquire 100 Bleached Bones

Dino Attack! 3/9: Well ain't that just the dangest. Scissorhands you say? And cupcakes? This is stranger than a Pemblock in a sphere. We need to conduct us a ritual to find out what's going on. Start with bones. Lots of bones.

Juice Some Cacti

Dino Attack! 4/9: Good work. Now get cactus juice. Those ornery walking Cacti should spare some if you ask nicely. Or if you knock their prickly blocks off.

Consume a 1 Day Patron Pass

Dino Attack! 5/9: Now to start ye olde ritual, we need us a clear head. The kind that only comes from a newly minted Patron. That shiny 1 Day Patron Coin I jist gave ya? Just pop it and you'll have a vision of what's causin' this dino ruckus. Besides, it's good for what ails ya.

Defeat Dinosaurs in Candoria

Dino Attack! 6/9: Suddenly aware of so many new things, a ghostly vision appears. You see triceratops stomping on lollipops, and a huge toothy maw munching on gingerbread. This can only mean one thing: the dinosaurs have come for our baked confections! Candoria is under assault!

Complete 3-Star Dungeons

Dino Attack! 7/9: Tarnation, you showed them a thing or two. Now, I saw just as well as you did who is behind this whole mess. A great big T-rex. Or two. Or three. But you're gonna need to train off some of yer flab before yer gonna be ready fer that fight. Do some o those dungeons. The big ones.

Defeat 3 T-Rex in the Leafy Archipelago

Dino Attack! 8/9: Now there's a fine-looking chiseled block of a hero! Y'er ready for the fight o' yer life! They're in the Leafy Archipelago of the Drowned Worlds, or I don't know my biomes. Take the fight to him! Knock some sense into the big brutes an' put them dinos back in their place!

Place 1 Block

Dino Attack! 9/9: You did it! I'm rootin tootin happy about you saving my mining operation! Say, I'll share a bit of my stake if'n you'll just place a single commemorative block down right here for me to remember you by.


Defeat Amphibian Tribal Shamans

adventures - $Adventure_Unique_ScissorDino_01_name

Travel to the Jurassic Jungle Adventure World and defeat Amphibian Tribal Shamans.

adventures - $Adventure_Unique_ScissorDino_01_shortdesc

Travel to the Jurassic Jungle Adventure World and defeat Amphibian Tribal Shamans. They can be found inside dungeons. Ooga Booga.

adventures - $Adventure_Unique_ScissorDino_01_longdesc

Post Dino Dominance Posters

adventures - $Adventure_daily_september2022_post_dino_signs_name

Cowasaur Daily Adventure: Just. Imagine. Scales. Not. Metal. Shade. The. Jungle. Must. Be. A. Paradise Go to the Desert Frontier and throw Dino Dominance Posters onto the Poster Stumps you see there.

adventures - $Adventure_daily_september2022_post_dino_signs_longdesc

A. Jungle. That. Protects. You. From. The. Sun. How. Nice. Would. That. Be?....

adventures - $Adventure_daily_september2022_post_dino_signs_shortdesc

Jurassic Jungle

challenges - $Challenge_Dino_name

Complete dungeons in the Jurassic Jungle. 3X bonus multiplier for Dragonfire Peaks Adventure World (Dusk) and bonus classes, 4X for Nightfall, 5x for Moonless Dark through Uber Twilight, and 6x for Mega Dark+.

challenges - $Challenge_Dino_description

Saurian Troglodytes

delve - $DelvePathCreature_TrogDino


events - $Event_dino_name

Lay a cretaceous beatdown upon their tails!

events - $Event_dino_description


events - $Event_Sale_DinoTamer_name

Class and all class costumes 50% off!

events - $Event_Sale_DinoTamer_description

Deepest Public Delve as a Dino Tamer

leaderboards - $Leaderboard_DelveDepth_Public_DinoTamer

Deepest Public Delve with a Dino Tamer

leaderboards - $Leaderboard_DelveDepth_Public_With_DinoTamer

Weekly Highest Paragon Level with Dino Tamer

leaderboards - $Leaderboard_Paragon_DinoTamer


leaderboards - $Leaderboard_DinoTamer

Clever Snare

prefabs_abilities_dinotamer - $prefabs_abilities_dinotamer_clever_snare_item_name

Throws a sticky net which roots, energy drains, and damages enemies within its area over time. Hold button for larger nets that last longer and can be thrown farther. Dart attacks refresh the net.

prefabs_abilities_dinotamer - $prefabs_abilities_dinotamer_clever_snare_item_description

Dino Buddy

prefabs_abilities_dinotamer - $prefabs_abilities_dinotamer_meat_summon_item_name

Throws a piece of meat on the ground which summons a random dinosaur to fight nearby enemies. Dino Buddies last 22 seconds.

prefabs_abilities_dinotamer - $prefabs_abilities_dinotamer_meat_summon_item_description

Dino Mount

prefabs_abilities_dinotamer - $prefabs_abilities_dinotamer_dinomount_item_name

Summons a special mount that increases Magic Damage and Movement Speed, adds splash damage to your dart attacks, stuns nearby foes when you call a Dino Buddy, and makes all Clever Snare nets max size!

prefabs_abilities_dinotamer - $prefabs_abilities_dinotamer_dinomount_item_description

Dino Buddy Food

prefabs_abilities_dinotamer - $prefabs_abilities_dinotamer_passive_spawnmeatenergy_item_name

Killing an enemy caught in your Clever Snare will create meat that resets the cooldown on your Dino Buddy ability. Primary attack fires darts.

prefabs_abilities_dinotamer - $prefabs_abilities_dinotamer_passive_spawnmeatenergy_item_description

Dino Buddy Food

prefabs_abilities_dinotamer - $prefabs_abilities_dinotamer_meatenergy_item_name

Research Net

prefabs_abilities_dinotamer - $prefabs_abilities_dinotamer_subclass_name

Critical hits have a chance to root targets in place for a short duration.

prefabs_abilities_dinotamer - $prefabs_abilities_dinotamer_subclass_description

Sometimes spawns a Dino-Kick-Bot when you deal damage.

prefabs_abilities_equipment - $prefabs_abilities_equipment_proc_punchbot_saloonbot_dino_combateventeffectspawner_description

Friendsgiving: Jump & Damage Reduction

prefabs_abilities_equipment - $prefabs_abilities_equipment_friendsgiving_dino_nugget_effect_buff_name

Increases Jump by 10 and Reduces Incoming Damage by 10%

prefabs_abilities_equipment - $prefabs_abilities_equipment_friendsgiving_dino_nugget_effect_buff_description

Summon: Dino-Kick-Bot

prefabs_abilities_equipment - $prefabs_abilities_equipment_proc_punchbot_saloonbot_dino_combateventeffectspawner_name

Oh my Dinos!

prefabs_abilities_mods - $prefabs_abilities_mods_dinotamer_oh_dinos_name

Dino Buddy spawns two minions instead of one.

prefabs_abilities_mods - $prefabs_abilities_mods_dinotamer_oh_dinos_description


prefabs_abilities_mods - $prefabs_abilities_mods_dinotamer_chomp_chomp_name

Dino Mount also spawns a Tyrannosaurus Rex minion.

prefabs_abilities_mods - $prefabs_abilities_mods_dinotamer_chomp_chomp_description

Deep Wounds

prefabs_abilities_mods - $prefabs_abilities_mods_dinotamer_deep_wounds_name

When both the Dino Tamer and their Dino summons are attacking the same target they apply a damage increase debuff. Dino Applies a damage increase debuff to enemies dealt damage by a Dino Tamer and their dino summons.

prefabs_abilities_mods - $prefabs_abilities_mods_dinotamer_deep_wounds_description

Title: the Dino Tamer

prefabs_claim - $claims_recipe_title_class_dinotamer_30

Title: Primal Dino Tamer

prefabs_claim - $claims_recipe_title_class_dinotamer_prime_primal

The Dinoboy's of the Jurassic Jungle roar with thanks.

prefabs_claim - $Claims_GoldenThread_event_sep2022_dino

Title: the Savage

prefabs_claim - $claims_recipe_title_biome_dinosaur_savage

You have unlocked the Dino Buddy ability!

prefabs_class - $prefabs_class_dinotamer_levelup_3

Dino Tamer Costume

prefabs_collections - $CollectionName_DinoTamerCostume

Dino Tamer

prefabs_collections - $CollectionName_DinoTamer

Yoked Yolk

prefabs_collections_mount - $prefabs_collections_mount_ball_dinoegg_name

...but 'Yo-Yo' for short

prefabs_collections_mount - $prefabs_collections_mount_ball_dinoegg_description

Plush Prismasaur

prefabs_collections_pet - $prefabs_collections_pet_quarble_rainbowdino_name

Crocheted from rainbows with love.

prefabs_collections_pet - $prefabs_collections_pet_quarble_rainbowdino_description


prefabs_collections_pet - $prefabs_collections_pet_delve_poop_dinoegg_name

Eager to hatch and travel the world!

prefabs_collections_pet - $prefabs_collections_pet_delve_poop_dinoegg_description

Growls McRoar

prefabs_collections_pet - $prefabs_collections_pet_punchbotbaby_dino_name

Ally: Growls McRoar

prefabs_collections_pet - $prefabs_collections_pet_punchbotbaby_dino_item_name

One day he'll grow up and roar with the biggest dinosaurs.

prefabs_collections_pet - $prefabs_collections_pet_punchbotbaby_dino_description


prefabs_collections_pet - $prefabs_collections_pet_qubesly_dino_name

Ally: Dinosly

prefabs_collections_pet - $prefabs_collections_pet_qubesly_dino_item_name

Most of the other Qubesly are scared of Dinosly, but they don't realize they're an herbivore.

prefabs_collections_pet - $prefabs_collections_pet_qubesly_dino_description

Dino 'Hawk

prefabs_custom_heads_service - $CustomHead_Piece_C_P_hair_dinohawk[Claire]

DEFEATING ENEMIES from JURASSIC JUNGLE Biomes allows collection of WILD TROVIAN MANA. Increases Wild Trovian Mana yield when Harvesting in Jurassic Jungle.

prefabs_effects_mysticism_buff - $prefabs_effects_mysticism_buff_mana_npcdeath_dinosaur_description

Tranquilizer Dartgun

prefabs_equipment - $prefabs_equipment_starterweapon_dinotamer_item_name

Used to sedate dinosaurs, for science.

prefabs_equipment - $prefabs_equipment_starterweapon_dinotamer_item_description

Banner of Dino Dominance

prefabs_equipment_banner - $prefabs_equipment_banner_dino_name

Show everyone how awesome it is to be a dinosaur.

prefabs_equipment_banner - $prefabs_equipment_banner_dino_desc

Silver Banner: Team Dino Tamer

prefabs_equipment_delve - $prefabs_equipment_delve_banner_lb_public_dinotamer_with_name

Awarded for being in the top 100 of the Delve Leaderboard 'Deepest Public Delve with a Dino Tamer'

prefabs_equipment_delve - $prefabs_equipment_delve_banner_lb_public_dinotamer_with_description

Gold Banner: Dino Tamer, Deepest Public Delve

prefabs_equipment_delve - $prefabs_equipment_delve_banner_lb_public_dinotamer_as_name

Awarded for being in the top 8 of the Delve Leaderboard 'Deepest Public Delve as a Dino Tamer'

prefabs_equipment_delve - $prefabs_equipment_delve_banner_lb_public_dinotamer_as_description

BUFF: Jungle Manahunter

prefabs_item_consumable_mysticism - $prefabs_item_consumable_mysticism_buff_manatrack_biome_dinosaur_name

When active, increases WILD TROVIAN MANA obtained from Harvesting while in JURASSIC JUNGLE Adventure World Biomes until the current DAY ends. Additionally, defeating enemies while in Jurassic Jungle will yield Wild Trovian Mana.\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) BUFF active at a time.

prefabs_item_consumable_mysticism - $prefabs_item_consumable_mysticism_buff_manatrack_biome_dinosaur_description

Unlock: 'POTION: Jungle Manahunter'

prefabs_item_consumable_mysticism_potion - $prefabs_item_consumable_mysticism_potion_mana_attuned_dinosaur_learn_name

POTION: Jungle Manahunter

prefabs_item_consumable_mysticism_potion - $prefabs_item_consumable_mysticism_potion_manatrack_biome_dinosaur_name

Increases WILD TROVIAN MANA Harvest yield in JURASSIC JUNGLE Adventure World Biomes for 4 hours. Additionally, enemies here will drop Wild Trovian Mana.\n\nYou may only have ONE (1) POTION active at a time.\nMarketplace: Auto-Consume on Purchase (1).

prefabs_item_consumable_mysticism_potion - $prefabs_item_consumable_mysticism_potion_manatrack_biome_dinosaur_description

Title: the Dino Tamer

prefabs_item_consumable_titles - $prefabs_item_consumable_titles_class_dinotamer_30_name

Craft to gain access to the 'the Dino Tamer' title suffix.

prefabs_item_consumable_titles - $prefabs_item_consumable_titles_class_dinotamer_30_description

Title: Primal Dino Tamer

prefabs_item_consumable_titles - $prefabs_item_consumable_titles_class_dinotamer_prime_primal_name

Craft to gain access to the 'Primal Dino Tamer' title suffix.

prefabs_item_consumable_titles - $prefabs_item_consumable_titles_class_dinotamer_prime_primal_description

Title: Primitive

prefabs_item_consumable_titles - $prefabs_item_consumable_titles_biome_dinosaur_primitive_name

Craft to gain access to the 'Primitive' title prefix.

prefabs_item_consumable_titles - $prefabs_item_consumable_titles_biome_dinosaur_primitive_description

Title: the Savage

prefabs_item_consumable_titles - $prefabs_item_consumable_titles_biome_dinosaur_savage_name

Craft to gain access to the 'the Savage' title suffix.

prefabs_item_consumable_titles - $prefabs_item_consumable_titles_biome_dinosaur_savage_description

Dino Dominance Poster

prefabs_item_crafting - $prefabs_item_crafting_poster_dino_name

A poster devoted to the glory of Dinosaurs. Why roam the frontier when you can bask in the shade of the jungle? Used on Poster Stumps in the Desert Frontier.

prefabs_item_crafting - $prefabs_item_crafting_poster_dino_desc

Special Order: Cacti Casserole

prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_november2022_dinosaur_inv_name

Oven cooked Cacti Casserole.

prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_november2022_dinosaur_inv_desc

Teaches the recipe teaching the ability to craft the Cacti Casserole decoration and food at the Friendsgiving Oven.

prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_november2022_dinosaur_inv_desc2

Qubesly's Favorites: Jungle Tea

prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_november2022_dinosly_inv_name

Chefsly highly recommends skipping this one unless you enjoy the taste of rainwater steeped leaves with a light hint of dirt.

prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_november2022_dinosly_inv_desc

Teaches the recipe teaching the ability to craft the Jungle Tea decoration and food at the Friendsgiving Oven.

prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_november2022_dinosly_inv_desc2

Food: Cacti Casserole

prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_november2022_dinosaur_food_name

The carnivores of the Jurassic Jungle should enjoy this well enough. Hopefully....

prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_november2022_dinosaur_food_desc

Fresh Cacti

prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_november2022_dinosaur_currency_name

Nothing beats fresh picked cactus, as long as you can avoid getting picked by the cactus.

prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_november2022_dinosaur_currency_desc

Dinoboy Coin

prefabs_item_currency - $prefabs_item_crafting_event_september2022_dino_name

A coin dedicated to your love of Cowboys. Can be found by defeating dungeons in the Desert Frontier during the Cowasaurs and Dinoboys event. Used to craft Dinoboy Effigy at the Dinoboy Workbench in the Events area of the hub.

prefabs_item_currency - $prefabs_item_crafting_event_september2022_dino_description

Dinoboy Token

prefabs_item_currency - $prefabs_item_crafting_event_september2022_dino_premium_name

A token dedicated to your love of Cowboys. Claimed by completing dailies during the Cowasaurs and Dinoboys event. Used to craft Dinoboy Effigy at the Dinoboy Workbench in the Events area of the hub.

prefabs_item_currency - $prefabs_item_crafting_event_september2022_dino_premium_description

Primal Loop: Dino Tamer

prefabs_item_currency_prestige - $prefabs_item_currency_prestige_dinotamer_name

Awarded for each PRIME Paragon level earned as the Dino Tamer

prefabs_item_currency_prestige - $prefabs_item_currency_prestige_dinotamer_description

Dino Time

prefabs_item_gem_large - $prefabs_item_gem_large_blue_dinotamer_dinotime_t111_name

Empowered Water Gem for the Dino Tamer. Increases the duration of the ultimate ability, 'Summon Dino Mount.' Increases the attack speed of the ultimate ability, 'Acid Spit Projectile.' Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.

prefabs_item_gem_large - $prefabs_item_gem_large_blue_dinotamer_dinotime_t111_description

Empowered Hunting Dart

prefabs_item_gem_large - $prefabs_item_gem_large_blue_dinotamer_tripleshot_t111_name

Empowered Water Gem for the Dino Tamer. Changes the Hunting Dart from one dart to three. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.

prefabs_item_gem_large - $prefabs_item_gem_large_blue_dinotamer_tripleshot_t111_description

Dino Time

prefabs_item_gem_large - $prefabs_item_gem_large_yellow_dinotamer_dinotime_t111_name

Empowered Air Gem for the Dino Tamer. Increases the duration of the ultimate ability, 'Summon Dino Mount.' Increases the attack speed of the ultimate ability, 'Acid Spit Projectile.' Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.

prefabs_item_gem_large - $prefabs_item_gem_large_yellow_dinotamer_dinotime_t111_description

Empowered Hunting Dart

prefabs_item_gem_large - $prefabs_item_gem_large_yellow_dinotamer_tripleshot_t111_name

Empowered Air Gem for the Dino Tamer. Changes the Hunting Dart from one dart to three. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.

prefabs_item_gem_large - $prefabs_item_gem_large_yellow_dinotamer_tripleshot_t111_description

Dino Time

prefabs_item_gem_large - $prefabs_item_gem_large_red_dinotamer_dinotime_t111_name

Empowered Fire Gem for the Dino Tamer. Increases the duration of the ultimate ability, 'Summon Dino Mount.' Increases the attack speed of the ultimate ability, 'Acid Spit Projectile.' Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.

prefabs_item_gem_large - $prefabs_item_gem_large_red_dinotamer_dinotime_t111_description

Empowered Hunting Dart

prefabs_item_gem_large - $prefabs_item_gem_large_red_dinotamer_tripleshot_t111_name

Empowered Fire Gem for the Dino Tamer. Changes the Hunting Dart from one dart to three. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.

prefabs_item_gem_large - $prefabs_item_gem_large_red_dinotamer_tripleshot_t111_description

Dino Time

prefabs_item_gem_large - $prefabs_item_gem_large_blue_dinotamer_dinotime_t110_name

Empowered Water Gem for the Dino Tamer. Increases the duration of the ultimate ability, 'Summon Dino Mount.' Increases the attack speed of the ultimate ability, 'Acid Spit Projectile.' Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.

prefabs_item_gem_large - $prefabs_item_gem_large_blue_dinotamer_dinotime_t110_description

Empowered Hunting Dart

prefabs_item_gem_large - $prefabs_item_gem_large_blue_dinotamer_tripleshot_t110_name

Empowered Water Gem for the Dino Tamer. Changes the Hunting Dart from one dart to three. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.

prefabs_item_gem_large - $prefabs_item_gem_large_blue_dinotamer_tripleshot_t110_description

Dino Time

prefabs_item_gem_large - $prefabs_item_gem_large_yellow_dinotamer_dinotime_t110_name

Empowered Air Gem for the Dino Tamer. Increases the duration of the ultimate ability, 'Summon Dino Mount.' Increases the attack speed of the ultimate ability, 'Acid Spit Projectile.' Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.

prefabs_item_gem_large - $prefabs_item_gem_large_yellow_dinotamer_dinotime_t110_description

Empowered Hunting Dart

prefabs_item_gem_large - $prefabs_item_gem_large_yellow_dinotamer_tripleshot_t110_name

Empowered Air Gem for the Dino Tamer. Changes the Hunting Dart from one dart to three. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.

prefabs_item_gem_large - $prefabs_item_gem_large_yellow_dinotamer_tripleshot_t110_description

Dino Time

prefabs_item_gem_large - $prefabs_item_gem_large_red_dinotamer_dinotime_t110_name

Empowered Fire Gem for the Dino Tamer. Increases the duration of the ultimate ability, 'Summon Dino Mount.' Increases the attack speed of the ultimate ability, 'Acid Spit Projectile.' Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.

prefabs_item_gem_large - $prefabs_item_gem_large_red_dinotamer_dinotime_t110_description

Empowered Hunting Dart

prefabs_item_gem_large - $prefabs_item_gem_large_red_dinotamer_tripleshot_t110_name

Empowered Fire Gem for the Dino Tamer. Changes the Hunting Dart from one dart to three. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.

prefabs_item_gem_large - $prefabs_item_gem_large_red_dinotamer_tripleshot_t110_description

Gilded Signatory Box: Dino Tamer

prefabs_item_lootbox_newrings_crystal - $prefabs_item_lootbox_newrings_crystal_crystal_3_dinotamer_name

Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Dino Tamer class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better

prefabs_item_lootbox_newrings_crystal - $prefabs_item_lootbox_newrings_crystal_crystal_3_dinotamer_description

Golden Signatory Box: Dino Tamer

prefabs_item_lootbox_newrings_crystal - $prefabs_item_lootbox_newrings_crystal_crystal_4_dinotamer_name

Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Dino Tamer class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4

prefabs_item_lootbox_newrings_crystal - $prefabs_item_lootbox_newrings_crystal_crystal_4_dinotamer_description

Signatory Box: Dino Tamer

prefabs_item_lootbox_newrings_crystal - $prefabs_item_lootbox_newrings_crystal_crystal_dinotamer_name

Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Dino Tamer class

prefabs_item_lootbox_newrings_crystal - $prefabs_item_lootbox_newrings_crystal_crystal_dinotamer_description

Royal Signatory Box: Dino Tamer

prefabs_item_lootbox_newrings_crystal - $prefabs_item_lootbox_newrings_crystal_crystal_2_dinotamer_name

Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Dino Tamer class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better

prefabs_item_lootbox_newrings_crystal - $prefabs_item_lootbox_newrings_crystal_crystal_2_dinotamer_description

Mount: Yoked Yolk

prefabs_item_mount - $prefabs_item_mount_ball_dinoegg_name

Ally: Plucky

prefabs_item_pet - $prefabs_item_pet_delve_poop_dinoegg_name

Certificate of Title: Primal Dino Tamer

prefabs_item_recipe - $prefabs_item_recipe_title_class_dinotamer_prime_primal_name

Certificate of Title: Primitive

prefabs_item_recipe - $prefabs_item_recipe_title_biome_dinosaur_primitive_name

Recipe: Jade Dragon Personal Chest

prefabs_item_recipe - $prefabs_item_recipe_placeable_chest_personal_hungrydino_item_name

A costume for the Dino Tamer.\n\nCommune with the Kami and become the vessel of their vengeance with this suit of spirit armor.

prefabs_item_skin - $prefabs_item_skin_dinotamer_kami_item_description

Costume: Kami Animist

prefabs_item_skin - $prefabs_item_skin_dinotamer_kami_item_name

Costume: Framework Fabricator

prefabs_item_skin - $prefabs_item_skin_dinotamer_fabricator_name

Framework Fabricator costume for the Dino Tamer class\n\nDesigned by Delicious

prefabs_item_skin - $prefabs_item_skin_dinotamer_fabricator_description

Costume: Framework Fabricator

prefabs_item_skin - $prefabs_item_skin_dinotamer_fabricator_notrade_name

Framework Fabricator costume for the Dino Tamer class\n\nDesigned by Delicious

prefabs_item_skin - $prefabs_item_skin_dinotamer_fabricator_notrade_description

Costume: Road Wrangler

prefabs_item_skin - $prefabs_item_skin_dinotamer_biker_item_name

Dino Tamer Costume

prefabs_item_skin - $prefabs_item_skin_dinotamer_biker_item_description

Costume: Jurassic Jungler

prefabs_item_skin - $prefabs_item_skin_dinotamer_camo_item_name

Dino Tamer Costume

prefabs_item_skin - $prefabs_item_skin_dinotamer_camo_item_description

Costume: Cyberian Survivor

prefabs_item_skin - $prefabs_item_skin_dinotamer_cyberian_name

A costume for the Dino Tamer. Wield technology from your long-forgotten tundra home to survive!

prefabs_item_skin - $prefabs_item_skin_dinotamer_cyberian_description

Costume: Twilight Tamer

prefabs_item_skin - $prefabs_item_skin_dinotamer_moonsilver_name

A costume for the Dino Tamer.

prefabs_item_skin - $prefabs_item_skin_dinotamer_moonsilver_description

Costume: The Blocktor

prefabs_item_skin - $prefabs_item_skin_dinotamer_blocktor_name

A costume for the Dino Tamer. Not an actual medical professional, but still manages to save the day, every day.

prefabs_item_skin - $prefabs_item_skin_dinotamer_blocktor_description

Jurassic Recipe

prefabs_item_unlocker - $prefabs_item_unlocker_recipe_dino_item_name

Unlock a random Jurassic Jungle recipe you don't already have unlocked.

prefabs_item_unlocker - $prefabs_item_unlocker_recipe_dino_item_description

Recipe: Poster of Dino Dominance

prefabs_item_unlocker - $prefabs_item_unlocker_recipe_sep2022_dino_dummy_name

Teaches how to craft the Poster of Dino Dominance at the Fun Factory. A reward from the Cowasaurs and Dinoboys 2022 event.

prefabs_item_unlocker - $prefabs_item_unlocker_recipe_sep2022_dino_dummy_desc

Dinoboy Effigy

prefabs_item_unlocker - $prefabs_item_unlocker_recipe_sep2022_dino_unlocker_name

Unlocks a random Dinoboy Collectable you don't already have. Contains; Brontoflage, Hood of the Orange Bandit, Ol' Pterry, The Orange Bandit, and Recipe: Poster of Cowboy Conquest Deconstructs into Cowasaurs and Dinoboys Crate, which can contain crafting materials and sometimes tradable versions of collectables unlocked by the Cowasaur Efffigy and Dinoboy Effigy, and rarely the Dinosly ally.

prefabs_item_unlocker - $prefabs_item_unlocker_recipe_sep2022_dino_unlocker_desc

Memento: Saurian Troglodyte

prefabs_item_unlocker_delve_path - $prefabs_item_unlocker_delve_path_trog_dino_name

Use: Collect this item for Mastery Experience

prefabs_item_unlocker_delve_path - $prefabs_item_unlocker_delve_path_trog_dino_description

Dino Tamer Level 20 Helm

prefabs_loot - $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_dinotamer_lvl3[Ylva]_name

Dino Tamer Level 30 Helm

prefabs_loot - $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_dinotamer_lvl4[Evilagician]_name

Green Dinoranger Helmet

prefabs_loot - $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_dinotamer_ranger[Ainogommon]_name

Coffee Beanie

prefabs_loot - $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_dinotamer_name

Cafcannoneer's Cafcannon

prefabs_loot - $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_dinotamer_name

Buckled Capotain

prefabs_loot - $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_dinotamer_turkey_name

Green Dinoranger Pistol

prefabs_loot - $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_dinotamer_ranger[Ainogommon]_name

Kami Animist Pistol

prefabs_loot - $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_dinotamer_kami_desc

Slime Tamer Blue Cap

prefabs_loot - $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_equipment_helm_dinotamer_slime_1_name

Slime Tamer Pink Cap

prefabs_loot - $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_equipment_helm_dinotamer_slime_2_name

Slime Tamer Slimer

prefabs_loot - $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_dinotamer_slime_name

Pool Buddy Tamer Swim Cap

prefabs_loot - $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_equipment_helm_dinotamer_pool_name

Pool Buddy Tamer Squirtgun

prefabs_loot - $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_dinotamer_pool_name

Bucolic Beau Brim

prefabs_loot - $prefabs_loot_hat_equipment_dinotamer_rustic_name

Bucolic Beau Peashooter

prefabs_loot - $prefabs_loot_weapon_pistol_dinotamer_rustic_weapon_pistol_name

Fabricator's HUD

prefabs_loot - $prefabs_loot_Hat_2019_dinotamer_fabricator_helm_name

Time-Stranded Paleontologist Pistol

prefabs_loot - $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_dinotamer_steampunk_name

Fabricator's Firearm

prefabs_loot - $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_2019_dinotamer_fabricator_weapon_pistol_name

Western Wrangler Widebrim

prefabs_loot - $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_equipment_hat_dinotamer_western_name

Time-Stranded Paleontologist Hat

prefabs_loot - $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_dinotamer_steampunk_name

Western Wrangler Revolver

prefabs_loot - $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_dinotamer_western_name

Dino Tamer Starter Helm

prefabs_loot - $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_dinotamer_lvl1[Evilagician]_name

Dino Tamer Level 10 Helm

prefabs_loot - $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_dinotamer_lvl2[Evilagician]_name

Kami Animist Stonehelm

prefabs_loot_5 - $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_dinotamer_kami_name

Kami Animist Corvigne

prefabs_loot_5 - $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_dinotamer_kami_name

Dino Tamer Signatory Ring

prefabs_loot_5 - $prefabs_loot_Ring_prestige_dinotamer_name_0

Entrancing Dino Tamer Signatory Ring

prefabs_loot_5 - $prefabs_loot_Ring_prestige_dinotamer_name_1

Illustrious Dino Tamer Signatory Ring

prefabs_loot_5 - $prefabs_loot_Ring_prestige_dinotamer_name_2

Place in a RING POLISHER workbench to temporarily activate a Hidden Effect for a Dino Tamer ability!

prefabs_loot_5 - $prefabs_loot_Ring_prestige_dinotamer_description

Dino Wrangler Dartgun

prefabs_loot_5 - $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_Dino_Wrangler_Dartgun_name

Used to sedate dinosaurs, for science.

prefabs_loot_5 - $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_Dino_Wrangler_Dartgun_desc

Twilight Tamer Helm

prefabs_loot_5 - $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_dinotamer_moonsilver_name

Twilight Tamer Hunting Rifle

prefabs_loot_5 - $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_dinotamer_moonsilver_name

Opossum Snout

prefabs_loot_5 - $prefabs_loot_equipment_hat_dinotamer_opossum_name

Opossum Gun

prefabs_loot_5 - $prefabs_loot_equipment_weapon_pistol_dinotamer_opossum_name

Resistor Rancher Ruger

prefabs_loot_5 - $prefabs_loot_equipment_weapon_pistol_dinotamer_amperium_name

Resistor Rancher Respirator

prefabs_loot_5 - $prefabs_loot_equipment_helm_dinotamer_amperium_name

Dino Horn Halberd

prefabs_loot_5 - $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_Dino_Horn_Halberd_name

It is unclear what species they belonged to, but their effectiveness is undisputed.

prefabs_loot_5 - $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_Dino_Horn_Halberd_desc

Pinata Protector Helm

prefabs_loot_5 - $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_dinotamer_pinata[Anibaal]_name

Shadow Sauromancer Helm

prefabs_loot_5 - $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_dinotamerpet_shadow[Zeptimus]_name

Jeweled Jaegerhelm

prefabs_loot_5 - $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_dinotamer_diamond[Anibaal]_name

Pinata Protector Popper

prefabs_loot_5 - $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_dinotamer_pinata[Anibaal]_name

Shadow Sauromancer Pistol

prefabs_loot_5 - $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_dinotamer_shadow[Zeptimus]_name

Dominating Dracomaster's Dartgun

prefabs_loot_5 - $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_dinotamer_dragon[KawaiiCaretaker]_name

Saurian Tamer's Pistol

prefabs_loot_5 - $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_dinotamer_trovesaurus[TFMHisztike]_name

Hood of the Orange Bandit

prefabs_loot_5 - $prefabs_loot_helm_equipment_dino_orange_name

Helm: Hood of the Orange Bandit

prefabs_loot_5 - $prefabs_loot_helm_equipment_dino_orange_item_name

The gang of the Orange Bandit try to look like him to confuse the law.

prefabs_loot_5 - $prefabs_loot_helm_equipment_dino_orange_desc


prefabs_loot_5 - $prefabs_loot_helm_equipment_dino_blue_name

Helm: Brontoflage

prefabs_loot_5 - $prefabs_loot_helm_equipment_dino_blue_item_name

Just stand really, really still. None of the other dinos will notice the difference.

prefabs_loot_5 - $prefabs_loot_helm_equipment_dino_blue_desc

Neanderthal Tribal Shaman

prefabs_npc - $dino_trog_apeboss

Amphibian Tribal Shaman

prefabs_npc - $dino_trog_frogboss

Reptilian Tribal Shaman

prefabs_npc - $dino_trog_dinoboss

Avian Tribal Shaman

prefabs_npc - $dino_trog_birdboss

Neanderthal Tribal Chieftain

prefabs_npc - $dino_trog_apeboss_dungeon

Amphibian Tribal Chieftain

prefabs_npc - $dino_trog_frogboss_dungeon

Reptilian Tribal Chieftain

prefabs_npc - $dino_trog_dinoboss_dungeon

Avian Tribal Chieftain

prefabs_npc - $dino_trog_birdboss_dungeon

Tyrant Wrecks

prefabs_npc - $dino_trex_boss_dungeon

Greater Tri Horn

prefabs_npc - $dino_triceratops_boss

Greater Zinosaur

prefabs_npc - $dino_scissorhand_boss

Poster of Dino Dominance

prefabs_npc - $npc_event_sep22_dino_poster_dummy_name

Why would you want a life of a cowboy when dinosaurs are so great? Recipe can be unlocked by the Cowasaurs and Dinoboys 2022 Event and crafted at the Fun Factory.

prefabs_npc - $npc_event_sep22_dino_poster_dummy_description

Saurian Troglodyte

prefabs_npc_delve_path - $prefabs_npc_delve_path_trog_dino_name


prefabs_npc_events - $prefabs_npc_events_sep2022_dino_title


prefabs_npc_events - $prefabs_npc_events_sep2022_dino_desc

Decorative Dinoboy Banner

prefabs_placeable_block_event_sunfest - $prefabs_placeable_block_event_dino_banner_name

Dino Canopy

prefabs_placeable_block_natural - $prefabs_placeable_block_natural_dinocanopy_item_name

Dino Dirt

prefabs_placeable_block_natural - $prefabs_placeable_block_natural_dinodirt_item_name

Dino Grass

prefabs_placeable_block_natural - $prefabs_placeable_block_natural_dinograss_item_name

Dino Stone

prefabs_placeable_block_natural - $prefabs_placeable_block_natural_dinostone_item_name

Lush leaves from the forests of Jurassic Jungle.

prefabs_placeable_block_natural - $prefabs_placeable_block_natural_dinocanopy_item_description

Grass from the Jurassic Jungle.\n\nWill turn into Dirt from the same biome if any block is placed on top.

prefabs_placeable_block_natural - $prefabs_placeable_block_natural_dinograss_item_description

Jurassic Plants

prefabs_placeable_block_smalldeco - $prefabs_placeable_block_smalldeco_dino_plant_item_name

Dino Dominace

prefabs_placeable_crafting_events - $prefabs_placeable_crafting_events_september2022_dino_name


prefabs_placeable_crafting_events - $prefabs_placeable_punchbot_saloonbot_dino_sign_name

Dino Kick!

prefabs_placeable_crafting_events - $prefabs_placeable_punchbot_saloonbot_dino_sign

Cacti Casserole

prefabs_placeable_crafting_events - $prefabs_placeable_crafting_events_november2022_dinosaur_name

Jungle Tea

prefabs_placeable_crafting_events - $prefabs_placeable_crafting_events_november2022_qubes_dinosly_name

Prehistoric Qubesly Plushie

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_dino_plush_qubesly_name

Wall Amber 1

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_delve_dinoswamp_amber_1_item_name

Wall Amber 2

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_delve_dinoswamp_amber_2_item_name

Saurian Trog Chief

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_trophy_trog_dinoboss_display_name

Skeletal T-Rex Head

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_delve_dinoswamp_bone_1_item_name

Skeletal Ribs

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_delve_dinoswamp_bone_2_item_name

Skeletal Triceratops Head

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_delve_dinoswamp_bone_3_item_name

Skeletal Fish

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_delve_dinoswamp_bone_4_item_name

Skeletal Tail

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_delve_dinoswamp_bone_5_item_name

Skeletal Leg

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_delve_dinoswamp_bone_6_item_name

Standing Skeletal Ribs

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_delve_dinoswamp_bone_7_item_name

Dragonfly Figure

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_delve_dinoswamp_dragonfly_1_item_name

Climbing Dragonfly Figure

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_delve_dinoswamp_dragonfly_2_item_name

Big Frog Figure

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_delve_dinoswamp_frog_item_name

Dino Swamp Grass 1

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_delve_dinoswamp_grass_1_item_name

Dino Swamp Grass 2

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_delve_dinoswamp_grass_2_item_name

Ceiling Scolopendra

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_delve_dinoswamp_scolopendra_1_item_name

Pool Buddy Tamer Trophy

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_trophy_dinotamer_pool_item_name

Wall Scolopendra

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_delve_dinoswamp_scolopendra_2_item_name

Wall Trilobite

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_delve_dinoswamp_trilobite_1_item_name


prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_delve_dinoswamp_trilobite_2_item_name

Dino Vine 1

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_delve_dinoswamp_vine_1_item_name

Dino Vine 2

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_delve_dinoswamp_vine_2_item_name

Dino Tamer's Tombstone

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_tombstone_dinotamer_name

Here lies a Dino Tamer. R.I.P.

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_tombstone_dinotamer_description

Saurian Troglodyte Wall Trophy

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_trophy_trog_dino_item_name

Saurian Trog Chief Wall Trophy

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_trophy_trog_dinoboss_item_name

Mysterious Shrine

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_dino_altar_item_name

Bug in Amber

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_dino_fossil_amberbug_item_name

Nautilus Fossil

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_dino_fossil_nautilus_item_name

Trilobite Fossil

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_dino_fossil_trilobite_item_name

Falling Rock Painting

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_dino_poster_meteor_item_name

Sabretooth Rug Forequarters

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_dino_rug_sabretooth_front_item_name

Sabretooth Rug Hindquarters

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_dino_rug_sabretooth_back_item_name

Oversize Spit Roast

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_dino_spit_meat_item_name

Spit Support

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_dino_spit_support_L_item_name

Spit Crank

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_dino_spit_support_R_item_name

Mysterious Goddess Statuette

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_dino_statue_goddess_item_name

Mysterious Glowing Shard

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_dino_torch_crystal_item_name

Primitive Tool Table

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_dino_worktable_item_name

Monolithic Lamp

prefabs_placeable_deco - $prefabs_placeable_deco_dino_torch_monolith_item_name


prefabs_placeable_portal - $prefabs_placeable_portal_dino_item_name

TEST PORTAL USE AT OWN RISK (also teleports you to the Dino Biome.)

prefabs_placeable_portal - $prefabs_placeable_portal_dino_item_description


prefabs_placeable_portal - $prefabs_placeable_portal_dino_interactive_sign_title

TEST PORTAL USE AT OWN RISK (also teleports you to the Dino Biome.)

prefabs_placeable_portal - $prefabs_placeable_portal_dino_interactive_sign_content

Western Wrangler

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_western_skinset_name

A costume for the Dino Tamer. Taking a little frontier justice to foes.

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_western_skinset_description

Slime Tamer

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_slime_skinset_name

A costume for the Dino Tamer. Might otherwise be found trying to arrange quests for dragon ranches.

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_slime_skinset_description

Opossum with a Gun

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_opossum_name

Pool Buddy Tamer

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_pool_skinset_name

A costume for the Dino Tamer. Has gotten tired of playing dead and has now chosen to make its enemies play dead for real.

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_opossum_description

A costume for the Dino Tamer. Rubber ducky might be the one, but these inflatable dinosaurs aren't slouches - they're not underinflated!

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_pool_skinset_description

Capotain Commander

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_gobbler_skinset_name

A costume for the Dino Tamer.\n\nTurtles and beavers and owls, oh my!

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_gobbler_skinset_description

A costume for the Dino Tamer.\n\nExert your will over your pack of saurian shadows to devastating effect.

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_shadow_skinset_description

A costume for the Dino Tamer.\n\nWill the real Sageosaurus please stand up?

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_trovesaurus_skinset_description

Shadow Sauromancer

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_shadow_skinset_name

Saurian Tamer

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_trovesaurus_skinset_name

A costume for the Dino Tamer.\n\nPrepped and ready to party after arduous training in a mysterious garden on a faraway island.

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_pinata_skinset_description

Pinata Protector

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_pinata_skinset_name

A costume for the Dino Tamer.\n\nForce your foes to flee before the might of your personal flight of dragons.

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_dragon_skinset_description

Dominating Dracomaster

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_dragon_skinset_name

A costume for the Dino Tamer.\n\nCommand a horde of crystalline creatures to bring calamity to your foes.

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_diamond_skinset_description

Jeweled Jaeger

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_diamond_skinset_name

A costume for the Dino Tamer.\n\nCommune with the Kami and become the vessel of their vengeance with this suit of spirit armor.

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_kami_skinset_description

Kami Animist

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_kami_skinset_name

A costume for the Dino Tamer.\n\nBring primordial justice to the modern age. Go forth, Dinoranger!

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_ranger_skinset_description

Green Dinoranger

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_ranger_skinset_name

A costume for the Dino Tamer.\n\nThey never tire.

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_coffee_skinset_description


prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_coffee_skinset_name

A costume for the Dino Tamer.\n\nSaurians may be a little more temperamental than a road hog, but a ride is a ride.

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_biker_skinset_description

Road Wrangler

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_biker_skinset_name

A costume for the Dino Tamer.\n\nIdeal for stalking the one dinosaur that keeps eluding you.

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_camo_skinset_description

Jurassic Jungler

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_camo_skinset_name

Starter Dino Tamer

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_lvl1_skinset_name

Level 10 Dino Tamer

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_lvl2_skinset_name

Level 20 Dino Tamer

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_lvl3_skinset_name

Level 30 Dino Tamer

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_lvl4_skinset_name

A costume for the Dino Tamer.\n\nOne moment you're studying fossils, and the next you're hurtling through some wormhole in time and space.

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_steampunk_skinset_description

Time-Stranded Paleontologist

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_steampunk_skinset_name

Resistor Rancher

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_amperium_skinset_name

A costume for the Dino Tamer. Herding electric currents and Amperium beasts of the Neon prairies.

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_amperium_skinset_description

A costume for the Dino Tamer.\n\nWield technology from your long-forgotten tundra home to survive!

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_cyberian_skinset_description

Cyberian Survivor

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_cyberian_skinset_name

A costume for the Dino Tamer.\n\nPerfect for parlaying the night's prowling predators into a pact of partnership

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_moonsilver_skinset_description

Twilight Tamer

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_moonsilver_skinset_name

A costume for the Dino Tamer.\n\nA well prepared Fabricator can tame even the most dangerous terrain.

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_fabricator_skinset_description

Framework Fabricator

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_fabricator_skinset_name

Bucolic Beau

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_rustic_skinset_name

A costume for the Dino Tamer.\n\nStomp through the valley where you harvest your grain.

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_rustic_skinset_description

A costume for the Dino Tamer.\n\nNot an actual medical professional, but still manages to save the day, every day.

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_blocktor_skinset_description

The Blocktor

prefabs_skins - $prefabs_skins_dinotamer_blocktor_skinset_name

the Dino Tamer

prefabs_titles - $prefabs_titles_class_dinotamer_30

Primal Dino Tamer

prefabs_titles - $prefabs_titles_class_dinotamer_prime_primal

Jurassic Wrangler

prefabs_titles - $prefabs_titles_storepack_dinotamer

Obtained for owning the Prehistoric Pack store products

prefabs_titles - $prefabs_titles_storepack_dinotamer_description

the Savage

prefabs_titles - $prefabs_titles_biome_dinosaur_savage


prefabs_titles - $prefabs_titles_biome_dinosaur_primitive


prefabs_upgrade_upgrades - $prefabs_upgrade_upgrades_prestige_dinotamer_01_dinotamer_01_description


prefabs_upgrade_upgrades - $prefabs_upgrade_upgrades_prestige_dinotamer_01_dinotamer_02_description


prefabs_upgrade_upgrades - $prefabs_upgrade_upgrades_prestige_dinotamer_01_dinotamer_03_description

Deserted Dinosaurs Pack

storeproducts - $StoreProduct_trove_deserted_dinosaurs_pack_name

This limited time pack unlocks the Six-Shooter Sprinter, Tricera-Tyke Ride, and Tumblin' Tumbleweed allies, the Loco Locomobile and Topped Tricera mounts, the Cacti Country Magrider, and the Western Wrangler, Six-shootin' Saurian, and Jurassic Sheriff Costumes. Lasso them before they ride off in to the sunset!

storeproducts - $StoreProduct_trove_deserted_dinosaurs_pack_description

Prehistoric Pack

storeproducts - $StoreProduct_trove_dinotamer_pack_name

Dinotamer Class with the Jurassic Jungler and Road Wrangler costumes! Also comes with three class gem keys, the Laseratops mount and two new Dino Biome terraformers!

storeproducts - $StoreProduct_trove_dinotamer_pack_description

Dino Tamer

storeproducts - $StoreProduct_playerclass_dinotamer_name

An accidental traveller of both space and time, the Dino Tamer uses their knowledge of science and technology to survive in an inhospitable primitive world. The Dino Tamer uses ranged attacks consisting of hunting nets, tranquilizer darts and dinosaur allies to defeat foes.

storeproducts - $StoreProduct_playerclass_dinotamer_description

Road Wrangler

storeproducts - $StoreProduct_item_skin_dinotamer_biker_name

A costume for the Dino Tamer.\n\nWhat Dino Tamers wear when riding trained Saurians.

storeproducts - $StoreProduct_item_skin_dinotamer_biker_description

Jurassic Jungler

storeproducts - $StoreProduct_item_skin_dinotamer_camo_name

A costume for the Dino Tamer.\n\nHide in plain sight. Please send snacks.

storeproducts - $StoreProduct_item_skin_dinotamer_camo_description

The grizzled old prospector offers you some unearthed ancient coins.

ui - $Claims_Event_dino_01

She hands you 2 horses worth of horseshoes. These may come in handy.

ui - $Claims_Event_dino_02

These look like they came fresh from some dig site.

ui - $Claims_Event_dino_03

Now this shiny coin looks valuable.

ui - $Claims_Event_dino_04

These antique gemboxes have seen better days.

ui - $Claims_Event_dino_05

She throws you 3 ancient scarabs as you boogy off to Candoria.

ui - $Claims_Event_dino_06

This beautiful philter will certainly get used.

ui - $Claims_Event_dino_07

Those dinosaurs had quite a horde of sugary baked goods

ui - $Claims_Event_dino_08

You are amply rewarded for saving her from the sugar-crazed dinosaurs.

ui - $Claims_Event_dino_09

Dinosaurs are rampaging. This should help to ease the pain.

ui - $Claims_dino


ui - $Leaderboard_DinoTamer

Awarded for earning a PRIME Paragon level with the Dino Tamer class!

ui - $claim_prestige_prime_dinotamer

Dino Tamer

ui - $DisplayName_DinoTamer

Awarded for having reached level 30 as a Dino Tamer!

ui - $claim_prestige_xpcap_dinotamer_base

Awarded for previous service as a Dino Tamer!

ui - $claim_prestige_xpcap_dinotamer_low

Awarded for impressive past service as a Dino Tamer!

ui - $claim_prestige_xpcap_dinotamer_med

Awarded for EXEMPLARY past service as a Dino Tamer!

ui - $claim_prestige_xpcap_dinotamer_high