Polished Paragon

Bomber Royale Updates

With the Paragon update, we do not want Bomber Royale to be the best way for players to gain Paragon levels, and we want players to engage with it because they find it enjoyable or want to obtain the Bomber Royale rewards for themselves rather than to acquire economic power.

No longer gives experience
Bomber Royale no longer gives experience

Collection Rewards are no longer tradeable
If you had an item before the update it should be tradable

Merchant has been replaced with the Bomber Bench
Bomber Royale's Merchant has been replaced with the Bomber Bench

Bomber Bench
Can be crafted at the Bomber Bench and placed in your Cornerstone or Club Worlds

Ally Up
Craftable at the Bomber Bench increases the size of your ally for 5 minutes

Effect is removed when changing world or changing ally

Costs 5 Season 2 Bomber Royale Coins

Season Coins Cap
There is now a cap on all Bomber Royale Season 1 and Seasons 2 coins of 300.

Battle Royale Tomes Rewards Increased x5
Bomb-nanza Balance Sheet: Season One and Bomb-nanza Balance Sheet: Season Two now reward 25 coins, up from 5

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