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Trovians, Shadow’s Eve is back from October 22, 2024, at 16 pm UTC until November 5, 2024, at 11 am UTC, and it’s full of tricks and treats! 🖤 This year, a mischievous Witch has found herself in a furry situation, and she needs you...
October 22, 2024 Blog
RELEASE THE KRAKEN Entering the LONG SHADE adventure world now gives a new questline, featuring Saltwater Sam & his crew! As players move through this questline, they will get crafting access to “Depth Stepper: Deep Kraken,” allowing them...
September 11, 2024 Patch
Greetings Trovians! Welcome to our cube-tastic community letter, where we’ll take a stroll down the cubic lane, reliving the latest Trove spooky highlights, and making our way towards turkey season! 🦃 In the previous month, we saw ...
November 9, 2023 Blog
Get ready for a spooktacular weekend, Trovians!Luxion’s serving up some wicked treats. Transform into a fierce Wolf Hunter 🐺, summon the Were-Pumpkin 🎃 to your side, and decorate your lair with the eerie Wolves’ Den Decoration Box. E...
Trovians, it’s that time of year again when the shadows grow longer and the pumpkins come to life:Welcome to Shadow’s Eve: Prince of the Patch, running from October 17, 2023, at 11 AM UTC, until October 31, 2023, at 11 AM UTC – in-game o...
October 17, 2023 Blog
Hello Trovians!Welcome to our cube-tastic community letter, where we go down the cubic lane and relive the latest Trove highlights and make our way towards the spoooooooooky month of the year! 👻This letter covers the latest features, events, and mu...
October 2, 2023 Blog
Hello Trovians, Today's maintenance has been completed and all platforms are back online again! It's a festive time of year to be thankful and thoughtful, so take a SECOND or TWO to appreciate yourself and others. Thank you For all yOur fe...
November 9, 2020 Patch
Hello folks, this week we're experimenting with a single news article and perhaps lessen some of our feed spam so we can condense our information. Let us know what you think about this format, and any other information we should include....
October 27, 2020 Weekly Reset