Usages Download

Altar of Martial Artistry


Used to craft powerful SHOUTS, STANCES, and MANTRAS, to be equipped in the AUTO-USE EQUIPMENT Slot.

Imported in Patch: Punches & Potions Разработал: Trove Team

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PTS Update 2 - November 17, 2023

Corrected an issue that was causing many new blueprints to be invisible. Occasionally, and depending upon profession rank, when crafting any Mantra, Shout, or Stance, the player may receive a specific, consumable weapon style for a Martial Arts weapon....

November 17, 2023 PTS Patch

Punches & Potions - PTS Patch Notes

With Punches & Potions we wanted to give players a long requested feature – a way for players to view their active effects, see longer descriptions, and more accurate durations.  We additionally want to give players some new ways to control...

November 8, 2023 PTS Patch