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Geodian Workbench


Used to craft strange objects from Geode.

Imported in Patch: Geode Designer: Trove Team

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Boomeranger Blowup - PTS Patch Notes

When thinking about the Boomeranger, a core identifying feature of the class is choosing what weapon to use, so when considering how to update the class we wanted to make this choice matter more.  Now the Boomeranger gains different versions of the B...

September 15, 2022 PTS Patch

Trove - Club Autopay - February 12, 2019

Club Fixture Rent AutopayThere is now a checkmark next to the Pay Rent button in the Club UI. Selecting this button will allow rent to autopay for future weeks as long as there are enough clubits available. Rent will be paid as soon as someone en...

February 11, 2019 Patch

Trove - Geode Hotfix 1 - July 2, 2018

Additional UpdatesNote Added: Gold Companion Eggs now spawn very rarely in Tier 5 caves, and Silver Eggs spawn very rarely in Tier 3,4, and 5 caves (with increasing probability). Fixed several client crashes. Improved block deconstructing behav...

July 3, 2018 Patch

Trove - Geode: PTS Items Database Update

These are the new and changed items we've detected on Trove - Geode PTS....

June 9, 2018 Database Update PTS Items

Trove - Geode: PTS Deco Database Update

We've updated the PTS database for the Trove - Geode update....

June 9, 2018 Database Update PTS Deco