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Geodian Workbench


Used to craft strange objects from Geode.

Imported in Patch: Geode Разработал: Trove Team

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Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Geodian Workbench"

Preview: Gathering Day. The Crystallogy and Geodian Workbench are now craftable from th Show

Club Fixture Rent Autopay
  • There is now a checkmark next to the Pay Rent button in the Club UI.
  • Selecting this button will allow rent to autopay for future weeks as long as there are enough clubits available.
  • Rent will be paid as soon as someone enters the club world as long as clubits are available.
  • This option is only available to club members with the Fixture Upgrade permission.

30,000 Power Rank Subclass Tiers
  • The Tier 6 rank for subclasses now applies to the 25,000 to 30,000 Power Rank bracket.
  • There is now a Tier 7 rank for subclasses above 30,000 Power Rank.
  • Tier 7 passives have either a higher chance to occur or higher values.

Additional Updates
  • Fixed the issue where the Character sheet would open randomly.
  • Companions and reliquaries are now equipped items and are no longer found in the Geode inventory while used in the caves.
  • /dnd should now correctly block invite attempts, even if entered after a /joinme was already rejected.
  • Spirit Spears animations should not continue to play if a Revenant dies while they are active.
  • The blastflowers created by Flower Power now damage blocks at their height or above, but do not damage blocks below them.
  • Plants and ore in the Geode Caves are now affected by Gathering Day.
  • The Crystallogy and Geodian Workbench are now craftable from the Builder's Crafting Bench.
  • The recipes to craft 100 Critter Treats, Comfort Blankets, and Curing Kits at the Crystallogist rank have been replaced by recipes to craft 10 instead. The recipes to craft 100 are now available at Geodemancer rank.
  • New Crates and Vaults are now available under the Dabbler, Enthusiast, and Lithologist levels of Crystallogy to help convert low level resources into higher level resources.
  • Crafted Dragon Souls can now be deconstructed in to their base materials.
  • Fixed some missing translations when the player's Power Rank is too low to receive loot in Shadow Towers.
  • The Gems Expertise Thread now correctly references Uber-9 Gem Boxes rather than Shadow Gem Boxes.
  • Ring boxes now have an error message when they fail to open due to a full inventory.
  • Fixed the Market Daily Bonus block on the Travelling Merchant fixture to properly grant clubits.

Preview: Gathering Day. The Crystallogy and Geodian Workbench are now craftable from th Show

Club Fixture Rent Autopay
  • There is now a checkmark next to the Pay Rent button in the Club UI.
  • Selecting this button will allow rent to autopay for future weeks as long as there are enough clubits available.
  • Rent will be paid as soon as someone enters the club world as long as cubits are available.
  • This option is only available to club members with the Fixture Upgrade permission.

30,000 Power Rank Subclass Tiers
  • The Tier 6 rank for subclasses now applies to the 25,000 to 30,000 Power Rank bracket.
  • There is now a Tier 7 rank for subclasses above 30,000 Power Rank.
  • Tier 7 passives have either a higher chance to occur or higher values.

Additional Updates
  • /dnd should now correctly block invite attempts, even if entered after a /joinme was already rejected.
  • Spirit Spears animations should not continue to play if a Revenant dies while they are active.
  • The blastflowers created by Flower Power now damage blocks at their height or above, but do not damage blocks below them.
  • Plants and ore in the Geode Caves are now affected by Gathering Day.
  • The Crystallogy and Geodian Workbench are now craftable from the Builder's Crafting Bench.
  • The recipes to craft 100 Critter Treats, Comfort Blankets, and Curing Kits at the Crystallogist rank have been replaced by recipes to craft 10 instead. The recipes to craft 100 are now available at Geodemancer rank.
  • New Crates and Vaults are now available under the Dabbler, Enthusiast, and Lithologist levels of Crystallogy to help convert low level resources into higher level resources.
  • Crafted Dragon Souls can now be deconstructed in to their base materials.
  • Fixed some missing translations when the player's Power Rank is too low to receive loot in Shadow Towers.
  • The Gems Expertise Thread now correctly references Uber-9 Gem Boxes rather than Shadow Gem Boxes.
  • Ring boxes now have an error message when they fail to open due to a full inventory.

Preview: duplicate Geodian Furnishings recipe on the Geodian Workbench with the intended recipe. Show

Additional Updates
  • Removed the unintended Moonlit Moss from the T5 Moonglow Grotto caves.
  • Replaced a duplicate Geodian Furnishings recipe on the Geodian Workbench with the intended recipe.
  • Tempest Dragon Fragments now also deconstruct in to 12,000 Adventurine.
  • Fixed the Climbing Claw upgrade that grants no N-Charge cost for every 3/6 crystals collected.
  • Updated reliquary descriptions to more accurately describe their contents and how Lodestars affect them.
  • Q'bthulhu strikes from unseen angles, and the Sword of Virtue is no more.
  • The Mining Platform from the Geodian Thread is no longer tradable.
  • The /mastery and /geodemastery commands should now be better about module upgrades.
  • Removed mastery from all items granted by the Streamer Dream Box - this includes all allies under Streamer Dream along with the Robo Raptor mount and Balefire Wings. The Balefire Wings have additionally been moved to the Promo category rather than the Rare category.