Press [HK:Loot] to forge.
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This is a brief Guide to trading,scams and the real world risks with easy you links and resources...
August 14, 2015 Trading
This a guide on how to forge (a.k.a upgrade your gear) in Trove. (Update[16/8/15]: Added item drop info for the different difficulty worlds.) (Update [18/8/15]: Added White (common) - Rainbow (Resplendent) forging costs as a reference. It is still not...
August 14, 2015 Gear
Everything you could ever hope to know about the Pirate Captain class. Proper use of skills, positioning, allies, flasks, emblems, all of the above!...
August 10, 2015 Pirate Captain
Luckly in Trove you're not punished by picking the 'wrong' class as you'll be switching through almost all of them in near future of your gameplay. But it is good to know the basis....
August 4, 2015
This informative guide will step you through getting either Auzilian or Neon Dragons....
August 4, 2015 Azulian & Neon Dragons Dragons
Hello, and today I'm gonna show how you can get radiant gear by forging. This is going to be very, VERY expensive so make sure you have a lot of flux, eyes (not the ones on your head :P), 9 Pearls, Two Twice Forged Shadow Souls, Two Thrice Forged Shadow S...
August 4, 2015 Gear
Tali has updated their forum thread with the results of deconstructing equipment with the new patch compared to the old system. We're making it easier to reach and adjusting the formatting here. Source:
June 4, 2015 Mechanics
We've put together a timeline of major game changes for returning players to help people get re-orientated with the game. It's also nice to highlight the pace of development and just how far the game has come in a short time. If you think something is ...
May 31, 2015