Luxion's Automagical Recycler
Functions as a Loot Collector. Trovians demanded. Luxion delivers.
Imported in Patch: Heroes 设计者为: Trove Team
Database Links
Community Links
Luxion is visiting the Hub this weekend. You can find him by the dragon shrine. Trade [dragon coin]s with him to buy rare items. This appearance is special, it is the only time you can buy [golden hoard dragon soul]s without limits (all 100 instead of usu...
November 24, 2018 Luxion
We've updated the Items and Deco database to the Trove - Heroes update. Sorry for the delay in publishing this, we filtered out a large number of minor text edits that didn't need to be shown....
March 27, 2018 Database Update Heroes Items
We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the Trove - Heroes update and detected the following new client strings....
March 27, 2018 Database Update Heroes Strings
We've compared the Strings on the PTS client with the Live client, here are the differences....