Imported in Patch: Rising Tides: Release the Kraken! Tervezte: Trove Team
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Looking for the right Halloween costume? Now’s your chance to try ’em all! Prepare to scare or look for something sweet, there’s TONS of costumes on sale during this spooky time. Get a costume for your favorite class and share...
October 22, 2020 Blog
Things are really heating up in Trove, so stay cool this summer and save big with these super chill offers available for you! Let’s talk shop and be sure to check out what’s in the store from July 24th, 2020 at 4:00am PST / 1...
July 24, 2020 Blog
We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the latest client patch. Here are the changes....
November 20, 2018 Database Update
We've updated the Trovesaurus Database to the Trove - Heroes client update, and detected the following changes to the Collections table....
March 27, 2018 Collections Database Update Heroes
Creating new stuff for Trove is one of the very cool things that make Trove that awesome. To highlight creations these are all new acceptances at the TroveCreations subReddit from last February. Moderation on TroveCreations is done by [user=2556] and...
March 4, 2018 Trove Creations Digest
This week on the Trove livestream we’re going to dig deep into Luminopolis and all the top tourist destinations. Hang out with us as we shed light on this newly discovered technological wonderland. Plus, we’ll answer your questions, show off...
February 26, 2018 Blog
We've checked the blueprints on the PTS with those on the Live server and these are the changes....
February 17, 2018 Blueprints PTS
Happy Valentine’s Day, Trovians! Celebrate the season of love with a livestream and chill this Friday, February 16, 2018. There may be some reasons not to miss the show, it’s hard to say. I don’t know…no big deal. Though if you ...
February 15, 2018 Blog
Call the kids and wake the neighbors – the Trove dev team is back for a livestream celebration of love and combat as we prepare for the Hellbugs In Love event! Try to catch this show if at all possible. Hang out while we talk about upcoming coolne...
February 7, 2018 Blog