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Imported in Patch: Rising Tides: Release the Kraken! Conçu par : Trove Team

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Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Shapestone"

Preview: will typically yield the following; Flux, Shapestone Ore, Formicite Ore, Block Recipe Show

Important! The packages and the following explanations are only suitable for the PC version of Trove!

  • Where can I buy the packages?
    Go to the #gamigotrees event packages on the following homepage:

    Then click on Our games (1) and select Trove (2):

    Then you will have to choose your version (3):

    Scroll down a bit and see the packages!
    So that you can buy one or more packages, you will have to click on the button of the corresponding package (4), (5) and/or (6):

    You will then be redirected to the usual Glyph login page:

    Log in with your account access data and select your payment method, fill in the fields and confirm the purchase:

    As soon as you have confirmed the purchase, you will be able to find the items included in the package in your inventory and/or in your wallet in our shop in Trove!
    Beware, if you are online with your char during the purchase, it may take a few minutes for you to receive your items. To get it faster, just teleport yourself to another world!
  • What is in the different packages?
    • The garden package
      For each package, Eden will plant 2 trees. In return, you'll be rewarded with the following in-game items:
      150 Credits for the shop (N)
      5x Chaos Chest

      Open for varying amounts of crafting materials, chaos cores, and rare collectibles.
      The featured rare collectibles change weekly.
    • The grove package
      For each package, Eden will plant 10 trees. In return, you'll be rewarded with the following in-game items:
      500 Credits for the shop (N)
      5x Party Animals

      Party Animals, once thrown, will need to be attacked to drop randomized loot (they will not attack back). The loot will typically yield the following; Flux, Shapestone Ore, Formicite Ore, Block Recipes, Biome Recipes, rarely the Pin Head, Prancing Pinata mount, and very rarely a Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg.
      10x Chaos Chest
      Open for varying amounts of crafting materials, chaos cores, and rare collectibles.
      The featured rare collectibles change weekly.
  • The forest package
    For each package, Eden will plant 20 trees. In return, you'll be rewarded with the following in-game items:
    750 Credits for the shop (N)
    5x Party Animals
    Party Animals, once thrown, will need to be attacked to drop randomized loot (they will not attack back). The loot will typically yield the following; Flux, Shapestone Ore, Formicite Ore, Block Recipes, Biome Recipes, rarely the Pin Head, Prancing Pinata mount, and very rarely a Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg.
    10x Greater Dragon Caches

    Contains 10 or more Dragon Coins, and rarely a complete dragon!

Preview: the value you want. so for example if I have 2500 shapestone ore and I'm trying to sell/trade 1000 o Show

Quote Originally Posted by DBF ENZIE View Post
Hey, so just gonna throw a couple ideas out there since I haven't seen to much about them yet

1. Adding some kind of manual value option when trying to move/trade/sell items. currently you can either go down to one with "RT" or scroll one at a time until you reach the value you want. so for example if I have 2500 shapestone ore and I'm trying to sell/trade 1000 of them I now how to either scroll down through 1500 pieces or go down to 1 and scroll up through 999 pieces which either way can be pretty annoying.

2. Adding some kind of friend tracking/party system would be nice that way you don't lose where the group you're running with is located if someone branches off to explore something else for a moment.

3. This one is a bit far fetched I'm sure for the type of game devs are creating but some sort of direction as far as like a main quest or repeatable dungeon with a chance at guarenteed high quality loot would be a fun change from constantly grinding through whatever dungeon you can find.
Hi there,

Thanks for the feedback! I'll respond in a numbered list as well, for simplicity.
  1. The current system is just not where we want it to be and we're looking at additional options. A manual value option won't work well on consoles without a keyboard, but making the process of changing values is important to us as well.
  2. Having a way to quickly find friends who are in the same world as you could be very helpful. I'll bring this feedback to the team. It's been requested before, but I'm not sure where it stands at the moment.
  3. We're adding a more robust tutorial at the start and have plans for adding more quests. This will include quests that coincide with special events as well as guiding players through objectives later in the game. Still lots of work to do, but there's good stuff coming.

I hope that helps.

Hey, that doesn't belong there! I'd better equip my Asha Catari's Blade and go destroy it.

Shapestone is the wrong color, but formicite? Formicite serves the same purpose AND is the right color...

Sneaky sneaky!

[We can neither confirm or deny the plausibility of shapestone/formicite/infinium being in any way or form related to sourcestone. It's not like there are other references to Rift in Trove, amirite?]

Candy Edition Avarem / Trove Forums

Preview: block recipes now use Formicite instead of Shapestone or Infinium. * Frigga's F Show

* The new Candy Barbarian class is now live!
* Candoria - the new candy biome, is now live!
* The 'New Friend Finder' has returned as the 'Insta-Grouper', although it is still experimental and may go back into the vault. This time you can turn it off by interacting with it and it prevents players who are too low level from using it in higher level adventure worlds.
* There are now 10 new Mastery Ranks.
* Modified water shader to reduce artifacts.
* Neon City now spawns the appropriate recipe lair.
* Caves have been adjusted to be more playable and ore has been adjusted to appear mostly in caves.
* Fixed crash due to alt-tabbing in fullscreen mode with the map open (in DirectX)
* Repaired some teleport-related issues in the Frontier's Gearspire lair.
* Shadow giant's wind up attacks now do much more damage
* The melee time dilation effect is now lessened as attack speed increases
* New mouse cursor!
* Tooltips are now bigger
* The hub now has new club world portals - these portals are sorted by number of props
* All glowing and metallic block recipes now use Formicite instead of Shapestone or Infinium.
* Frigga's Fjord should not generate weird floating water any more.
* Infinity frames now cost 300 Infinium (up from 250) and 30 bottles (up from 10)
* Client stability has been improved
* Plasma will now drain your energy.
* You can now see outlines of dead players' tombstones through the world
* You now craft 3 bombs at a time down from 5.
* New Neon City lair from Folly.
* New Highlands lair from Valaadus.
* New Fae Wilds lair from Zylofan.
* New Undead Hills dungeon from Uniquisher, Stedms, and Brolycia.

Edit: we missed a note about the club names. We fixed a bug in this patch which allowed for duplicate club names, if your club name had a duplicate name it now has a number or letter at the end. You can contact [email protected] and they will gladly change your club name!