The Fish n’ Ships update brought Trovians a plethora of new gameplay mechanics. Among them, boats, sails, the Pirate Captain, the Treasure Isles biome, and Fishing. Learn the basics with Trovesaurus’ guide.
Fishing has quickly established itself as the easiest and most profitable method of farming for Glim. Each fish, when destroyed will provide Glim and sometimes an extra reward, depending on the rarity of the particular fish. Similar to weapons, hats, masks, and rings (now Allies, Boats and Sails as well with the latest update), Fish have rarity. There are three tiers of Fish rarity; Common, Uncommon, and Rare. Don’t be fooled though, the Rare fish are quite rare. Expect to find a rare fish 1 in 100 at best.
Getting Started
To get started fishing, a starting investment of 1100 Glim is recommended. First, purchase a Basic Fishing Pole and the consumable, Lures, from the Saltwater Sam NPC in the Hub for a total of 1100 Glim. To fish, simply aim at a body of water, and press F, when the bobber dips, press F again to reel in the fish.
At this point, it’s time to begin farming for rare fish. 8 of the 14 rare fish may be caught in water. Each rare fish has a special location that it can be caught in. To start, the Hub Hugger is a good fish to farm. This fish resides in any body of water in, you guessed it, the hub. Once you catch a rare fish, it’s best to go on to a new area to farm for another. To see where the rare fish are located, as well as what each fish gives when deconstructed, this spreadsheet is a great utility (http://goo.gl/2aFj9L).
After farming fish for a while, you may notice your Glim cache steadily growing. At this point, owning a boat of any sort is a great help. Go back to Saltwater Sam, buy the Dinghy ship, and a Sail of your choice. This will allow you to fish in the Treasure Isles from your boat, and travel to farther biomes faster.
Lava Fishing
Once you have caught and deconstructed 3 rare fish (for 3 ancient scales), go to the hub, then to one of the workbenches in front of Sam’s hut. There, you can craft a Lava Fishing rod for 100 Shapestone, 50 Flames, and 3 Ancient Scales. Just crafting and learning the Molten Magma Sifter will allow you to use any fishing rod in Lava, allowing you to catch the 6 other rare fish, as well as a ton of Common and Uncommon Lava Fish. Again, the best plan is to farm rare fish to complete the collection. Once you collect one, move on to the next. Again, use the spreadsheet to see where all of the rare fish swim (http://goo.gl/2aFj9L).
Glim Riches
After fishing for even a short amount of time, you may notice explosive growth in the size of your glim cache. At this point, that Glim is best put to use improving your mastery level. You’ll also need some Shells from the Treasure Isles biome. It’s again time to talk to our new Pirate Pal, Saltwater Sam. Purchase 5 (or as much as you can reasonably afford) Simple Sails and a Jolly Roger sail. Learn the Sails, and then again head to the Crafting bench in front of Sam’s hut. Craft the 4 Sails in the bench using the Simple Sail and 100 to 250 Golden Seashells each, then learn them to earn 10 mastery points each (if you have an abundance of Ancient Scales, also craft the two available boats). If you are STILL Glim rich, head to the Treasure Isles and search for Trading Ships. These ships will have a Parrot on the sail. The ships that have a Red Parrot sell Allies for 250 Glim, and the Ships with a Purple Parrot with one blue eye sell Mounts for between 8,000 and 9,000 glim. The Mounts give 50 mastery points, and the Allies between 10 and 25, depending on rarity.