Usages Download



Colour Code: #000000
Type: 80
Style: 0

Placeable Material. Gooey and delicious.

Obtained by throwing a Chocolate Sponge at Chocolate. Sponges can be crafted at the Gardening Bench.

Imported in Patch: Candy Edition 제작자: Trove Team

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Dungeoneering 101 Chapter 7: METAFORGE: Traps, portals and decorations

Now that you have a working dungeon, it is time to populate it with monsters and place some traps and decorations. In this chapter we will cover default items in Metaforge inventory together with other items you will be using....

March 7, 2019

Returning Players

Game Changes for Returning Players: We've put together a timeline of major game changes for returning players to help people get re-orientated with the game. It's also nice to highlight the pace of development and just how far the game has come in a sho...

July 11, 2016

Fishing in Trove: A Comprehensive Guide (updated with Plasma fishing)

Let's be honest here, fishing is like the most boring thing you can do at Trove. Who wants to watch their character stand around and wait for a catch? But it can also be rewarding after obtaining stuff you can get from it....

July 11, 2016 Basics

Best places to farm certain materials

Hi guys I'm Shinzo from Spirited Away. I have always find it weird that this kind of guide doesn't exist yet so I'm making one myself! I'll list only most popular items from most popular to least popular, and excludes color blocks. Note that outside of fa...

August 14, 2015 Farming

Pimp my Mastery Level

All you need to know about Mastery and how to rais your MasteryLvl easy & quick....

August 14, 2015 Mastery

Trove Fishing Guide for dummies (Complete & Updated!)

This is a guide to obtain all rare fishes in Trove. (Update[8/8/15]: Added color coding for liquids and added another possible location to catch soaring flamefish.) (Update[12/8/15]: Fish trophies were added in game. )...

August 4, 2015 Basics


The realms of Trove are varied, from the fiery fields of Dragonfire Peaks to the (chocolate-) dipped cupcake canyons of Candoria. Traverse every Trovian terrain in style with these tried-and-true tricks! Source:

June 30, 2015 Basics

Liquids & Organic Blocks Guide, Tips and Tricks

Liquids and Organic Blocks 101. ...

April 11, 2015 Building