Mining Guide

This guide will briefly cover a few begginer tips and tricks for mining in Trove. It's not exactly rocket science. However it may help a few people out.
TIP 1: Bombs
Pretty self explanitory lob a bomb at the ore you want to mine. This is much faster then laser mining, however it's imperfect, as bombs won't break all ore in one shot. However what ore it doesn't break, it damages making it much easier to clean up with your laser afterwards.
The drawback to this, is if you don't farm for bombs, it can be expensive crafting them in large numbers.
I reccomend farming them in the Fae Wildlands, as both the flowers, and enemies will drop them.
TIP 2: Lasermancy
Lasermancy is a skill that improves mining speed. There are a few ways to increase this skill,
Rare Ally: Diggsly will give you a large +35 to your Laser Mancy. He's easy to find in Miners Troves, as well as cheap to buy at only 600-700 flux. I highly reccomend adding him to your collection if you haven't already.
There's also various Hats that will increase lasermancy, as well as rings.
One thing to note, is no matter how high your lasermancy gets, it will always be a little slower then bombs.
Tip 3: BoomerRanger
This is by far the best method of mining, and I'm honestly surprised at how many people who main BoomerRanger don't know this.
His 1 ability (The bomb) is more or less, a more powerful bomb. For free.
It won't explode down, but it will explode just as far to each side, and higher then regular bombs.
It also sticks to walls and cielings for hanging ore.
It can also destroy ores that mining bombs can't in one shot, such as golden souls, and crystalised clouds.
If you find an ore patch on the ground, go to the center of it, and dig down 1 or 2 blocks past the bottom. (Having a high lasermancy will make this quick.) Place a bomb, and throw your boomerang (Which will recuce cooldowns of your bomb.) When the bomb explodes, it will mine the entire vein in one go. Occasianally there will be one or two pieces on the edge of the explosion that won't break, but clean up should only be a second or two.
Tip 4: Finding Ore
Finding ore is easy. You'll find a lot of small veins on the surface of your world, however if you find a crevice, or ravine, it's entirely worth checking out. They will usually be filled floor to cieling with various ore.
Final Notes:
Playing BoomerRanger with Diggsly on ore day, I've found myself able to mine 1-2k of each ore within an hour. (That's all three. So that's 3-6k ore in total within an hour.)